If this is the case, then, in the right hands, couldnt the SPIONS be used to wake up the slumbering sheep? Looks like Trump could be 5 steps ahead again... "In the end, we win" - CoVFeFe
I only watched the first 15 minutes, but it was interesting seeing people stick magnets to their nose. I’ve not gotten the vaxx, but I did get swabbed for covid last year before I knew any better. Lo and behold, a small rare earth magnet sticks to my right side of my nose, and nowhere else on my body. WTH?
CME's that hit the earth burn power lines and break satellites, so there is a link between solar events and damage to metal that emf's can be induced in.
This guy has a pretty interesting theory that might tie into the solar flares that disrupt our magnetic field. They won’t release the rest of the book, but what is there, is enough to get a glimpse about what his discoveries and research were about. Could the solar events that disturb the earths magnetic field be responsible for what leads to a violent shifting of the earths crust, which leads to these cataclysmic floods, catastrophes and drastic climate shifts that we have discovered through archaeology and geology. We know these events happened we just don’t know the specifics of how. How it ties into magnetic nano particles And bio metric Sensors I have no idea. I think it actually makes all those things irrelevant honestly, but hey! Cheers to the curiosity of life.
I'm still a skeptic on this one.
Is it possible? Yes.
Is this something the Deep State would do? Yes.
Do I think there are still other explanations for this phenomenon? Yes.
Either way, I don't have to worry much about magnetized particles in my body, as I've written off vaccines for the rest of my life.
If this is the case, then, in the right hands, couldnt the SPIONS be used to wake up the slumbering sheep? Looks like Trump could be 5 steps ahead again... "In the end, we win" - CoVFeFe
Please go this the final 5 minutes for the Covfefe reveal.
I only watched the first 15 minutes, but it was interesting seeing people stick magnets to their nose. I’ve not gotten the vaxx, but I did get swabbed for covid last year before I knew any better. Lo and behold, a small rare earth magnet sticks to my right side of my nose, and nowhere else on my body. WTH?
Polly is truly amazing, thanks for sharing.
Yes, that would be strange. But would it really surprise you, considering how strange this reality has gotten recently?
I don't know if you're joking or serious. I really feel like this is some form of dream or simulation designed to teach me things. And make me crazy.
I'm really hoping this isn't real.
CME's that hit the earth burn power lines and break satellites, so there is a link between solar events and damage to metal that emf's can be induced in.
I think it has to be more than just a 'lump of metal', although never say never.
This guy has a pretty interesting theory that might tie into the solar flares that disrupt our magnetic field. They won’t release the rest of the book, but what is there, is enough to get a glimpse about what his discoveries and research were about. Could the solar events that disturb the earths magnetic field be responsible for what leads to a violent shifting of the earths crust, which leads to these cataclysmic floods, catastrophes and drastic climate shifts that we have discovered through archaeology and geology. We know these events happened we just don’t know the specifics of how. How it ties into magnetic nano particles And bio metric Sensors I have no idea. I think it actually makes all those things irrelevant honestly, but hey! Cheers to the curiosity of life.
Very interesting, thanks for sharing. If the DS has such high level bio-technology, why can’t they keep scumbags like Rumsfeld alive.