Nothing earth shattering here, but, here are the latest Ghislaine Maxwell docs just released for our researchers.
? Research Wanted ?
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does anyone know the circumstances of Judge Sweet's death?
I mean, if the previous judge just up and died, I don't think I'd want to inherit this case either.
He was old, but that certainly doesn't rule out foul play.
Maybe I'm dumb but why do we have 96-year-olds who are still judges?
Lifetime appointment most likely. I'm not totally sure how the US system works to be honest.
It's lifetime appointments. With no forced retirement. Plus, most of the leg work is done by the judge's clerk. All they really do is look for procedural missteps during trials and manage the trials themselves. Their clerks do most of the he work for them. Including typing up the judge's rulings.
Even ruling out foul play, would you want a headache this big dropped in your lap?
They need to call Judge Joe Brown
Judge Judy'll set em straight
Upon further review, I think the only man for the job is Gary Busey Pet Judge.
96 ????????????? What was he still doing on the bench? I guess if they live to be a 150 and drooling at the mouth, that's okay!
the cabal probably figured that he is so senile, they could just put words in his mouth and he'd just rubber stamp whatever they wanted him to.