No excuses for murder. How about we hold the dead beat parents legally responsible in some way instead of sacking the cost on society. Also, if you've read any Q you'd know that many charities are corrupt. Taxes wouldn't have to pay for much support at all with true charities doing charity work instead of money laundering/shilling for the deep state. Expand your thinking.
Because we would literally have a trillion degenerate, entitled children with no daddy.
That’s not the kids’ fault and is no excuse to murder them.
You benefit from it too. It's time to be honest with yourself
You sound like a perfect spokesperson for population control.
I agree schwaggins, abortions is murder, plain and simple.
It's murder
No excuses for murder. How about we hold the dead beat parents legally responsible in some way instead of sacking the cost on society. Also, if you've read any Q you'd know that many charities are corrupt. Taxes wouldn't have to pay for much support at all with true charities doing charity work instead of money laundering/shilling for the deep state. Expand your thinking.