Just a quick note: Crop circles are not created by a couple of blokes with ropes and planks of wood as a prank. Yes, that is the explanation you get from the NPCs.
Consider "the julia set" from July 7, 1996 - a doctor in a private plane flew over the field at about 5:30 pm that day and again about 45 minutes later. 149 circles over 900ft long perfect mathematical formation appeared.
As strange as it seems, these are proof of, as a minimum, unrevealed technology.
I concur with this... I've been watching the Crop Circle phenomenon for decades now, and although I'm not a "believer" in the traditional sense, I do think something otherworldly is going on with the true circles. By "true" I mean those that are created by some unexplained energy source that doesn't break and destroy the crops, are very precise in their geometry, and where they seem to be woven. Amateur circles, on the other hand, by people who are silly hoaxers, are typically asymmetrical, the crops broken and destroyed by trampling or using boards, imprecise, and easily discernible from true circles.
But over the decades that I have been aware of these circles, I am also aware that many of the "interpretations" are often based on the observer's bias or or limited understanding. Such interpretations are sort of like face pareidolia, the tendency to see faces in random clusters, like the "man in the moon."
This circle is interesting, but it may have a much more esoteric explanation / interpretation than the one that is given by the OP.
I agree with you I was thinking the same thing. I pulled this off of the crop circle connector.com and I thought it interesting that they put storm in quotations making me think they're hip to Q but they said nothing about the number 17, and I understand that's not the proper forum for the subject.
The best supporting physical evidence of this is the nodes in the crops. They are superheated and blown out to bend over rather than just being pushed down with a board.
If you search cropcircle superheated nodes you will find stuff about it.
Crop circles are usually explained as the handiwork of creative pranksters. Not true,' says Dr. Eltjo H. Haselhoff, Ph.D., former employee of Los Alamos National Laboratories. The complexity of the crop circle phenomenon is tremendously underestimated, because its true nature is unknown to the general public.' `Obviously, there are people trying to imitate the real thing, but the suggestion that all of these crop formations are made by men with simple flattening tools is by far insufficient to explain the well-documented observations, like unambiguous and consistent biophysical anomalies in the flattened plants, inside the circles, all of which have been published in peer-reviewed scientific literature,' according to Dr. Haselhoff.
I agree with you that the real crop circles are supernatural, (ones with super heated elongated nodes, specifically on crops like canola that should snap) but not all skeptics are saying it's just people with boards anymore. Some people actually claim artists are somehow still behind the more advanced formations as well and that their methods are a secret
That's fine, if that's the case they should easily be able to replicate the production of the unusual nodes then right? Demonstrate their techniques? Or is it all hush hush?
You're preaching to the choir, 2 people I've talked to in real life and articles I've read claim that the artists figured out ways to make crop circles that scientists can't replicate. In my eyes that means the "artists" are more than just artists or they're admitting that scientists can't figure out shit
It isn't guys with boards. It's guys with lasers and stakes setting precise points and angles and then making lines with mowing--plaster dust--herbicide--heat guns-- any number of things. It is entirely possible with stuff from Ace Hardware to create a lot of effects in the grass. What is wrong with ascribing careful measurement and cleverness to human beings? You are surrounded by artifacts you depend on like your computer, much of which would have been considered witchcraft only 200 years ago and impossible science 100 years ago. Crop circles is nothing compared to transistors.
Please link a video comparison of these artists nodes and the 'unexplained' ones. There are many anecdotes of these things appearing in minimal amounts of time. Lasers, ropes, heat guns would take large amounts of time, not to mention how they would power a heat gun In the middle of a field.... Sounds like a cool story, and may have happened, but I would hesitate to say it explain all or even the majority of the circles.
This works both ways, you know. If aliens or fairies or Mother Nature did it, they have to obey the same rules of physics and botany everyone else does. I expect any explanation at all to be reproduceable with those rules and not fall back on jargon or "aliens know stuff we don't." Doom de Dooom Doom goes nowhere with me. If they know it, we can too. Also, as crop circles have been around a long time, I'll concede that our thought experiments should use minimal tools and chemicals instead of luxuries like lasers and precision mowers. Therefore, it becomes a matter of trying things, just like every other mystery.
I don't know what you mean by "artist" nodes vs. "unexplained" ones. To me nodes are the marking points of a design, whether natural or not, the vertices and intersections. They are only unexplained if they aren't there. The art in these circles is very human, starting with the circle, which is the easiest shape to mark out perfectly, just find a center point and use a rope as a compass. Squares would be much harder to make evenly on a large flat area. Then there are well-known mathematical ways to use the radius to cut up the circle into angles or chords to make your design. Since most of these new ones in Aylesbury follow a six sided motif I suspect that they make use of triangles, which can also be made easily and accurately with only a rope, although the feature one today is so intricate I think a laser was there. The fact that many designs suggest known and familiar motifs makes it all the more likely that they are done by people, and not organic: natural designs may have symmetry but also usually a spiral or a fractal evolution. See Fibonnaci. And not done by aliens unless we want to think that they share the same graphic styles. Which they could, after all these geometric shapes are also universal and there are only so many ways to arrange them. But these crop circle elements are arranged in a way pleasing to humans, so now we have to say the aliens share the same aesthetic in geometry. This is getting to be a real stretch, no?
This marking out can all be done quickly and in a relatively hidden manner before the last step where you make the grass look different. You could also prepare your ground for a dramatic reveal in advance by many means, such as applying fertilizer to make parts thicker and greener, or an herbicide, like salt, to thin or brown it. Or actually, leaving boards around so the grass fades under them, then the grass would wilt immediately in the hot sun when the shade is removed, and appear burned. You can apply a light oil or salt for a burned effect too. The change in grass would not take place immediately. I think it would be quite possible to work in steps, then trigger a big reveal by mowing, raking, watering.
A natural way that some circles occur is from microbursts, little intense downdrafts or teeny little tornado, and they can be quite damaging but fortunately they last only moments. That would be instant enough, but not at all artistic. Another way interesting circles appear in grass is from ants and termites, as they spread out from a central nest. These will have that fractal look though. Fungus is so obvious on a close look, I would put that low on the explanation list even though some fungus is quite startling.
Avebury is not too far from where I live and is generally considered to be "mystical" or at least pre-historic because of its massive stone circle around the entire village.
I have no idea why people like making the crop circle art-forms but there are plenty of them.
What if these are demonic hexes? The Devil is called the lord of the air. I get an occult vibe from these crop circles; I’m not interested in what made it, I’m interested in it’s intended purpose.
The same "experts" who claim crop circles can't be created by men are the same ones who say ancient stones can't be fitted together so well that a piece of paper can't be inserted. I know how huge stones can be fitted perfectly. It involves a little bit of sand and some twisting. If you can move a stone, you can fit it to the one below it perfectly.
Scientific fields are so specialized today that most scientists are almost totally ignorant of all other fields of study. I am a polymath and read widely. I know the people who create crop circles are using much better tools than stakes, ropes, and boards. Any technology sufficiently advanced appears to be magic to the ignorant masses.
What a let down. I thought it was going to be "Trump Won".
So can we get some crop circle creators out there creating "Trump Won" crop circles (/formations)? Maybe the guy who started the "Trump Won" MLB signs?
Q - don't use those "healthy" version of hanebu saucer for the god sake !
It is so old probably that mercury leaks from it like oil from old car engine. British government is maybe not real friend of USA,but that could be recognised as chemical warfare ! /joke (maybe)
Just a quick note: Crop circles are not created by a couple of blokes with ropes and planks of wood as a prank. Yes, that is the explanation you get from the NPCs.
Consider "the julia set" from July 7, 1996 - a doctor in a private plane flew over the field at about 5:30 pm that day and again about 45 minutes later. 149 circles over 900ft long perfect mathematical formation appeared.
As strange as it seems, these are proof of, as a minimum, unrevealed technology.
I concur with this... I've been watching the Crop Circle phenomenon for decades now, and although I'm not a "believer" in the traditional sense, I do think something otherworldly is going on with the true circles. By "true" I mean those that are created by some unexplained energy source that doesn't break and destroy the crops, are very precise in their geometry, and where they seem to be woven. Amateur circles, on the other hand, by people who are silly hoaxers, are typically asymmetrical, the crops broken and destroyed by trampling or using boards, imprecise, and easily discernible from true circles.
But over the decades that I have been aware of these circles, I am also aware that many of the "interpretations" are often based on the observer's bias or or limited understanding. Such interpretations are sort of like face pareidolia, the tendency to see faces in random clusters, like the "man in the moon."
This circle is interesting, but it may have a much more esoteric explanation / interpretation than the one that is given by the OP.
I agree with you I was thinking the same thing. I pulled this off of the crop circle connector.com and I thought it interesting that they put storm in quotations making me think they're hip to Q but they said nothing about the number 17, and I understand that's not the proper forum for the subject.
The best supporting physical evidence of this is the nodes in the crops. They are superheated and blown out to bend over rather than just being pushed down with a board.
If you search cropcircle superheated nodes you will find stuff about it.
45 minutes means the doctor in the plane was in on it, an accomplice just as magicians use. The random member of the audience is not random at all.
Which can be delivered right to your door for a moderate cost ( wheatfield and bored farmer not supplied)
200' laser measurement tool https://smile.amazon.com/Enan-Laser-Distance-Measure-Feet/dp/B07T91YBM2/ref=sr_1_4_sspa?crid=FGBX7L8RCNVW&dchild=1&keywords=laser+measurement+tool&qid=1625494875&sprefix=laser%2Caps%2C277&sr=8-4-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzSzlTVUdSVVlaSkpaJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMjI3NDkxMzNKNzNWNzZGSUJGRSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNDY4NDQxMTJGSjBFWDFCVkoxUSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
geometric construction for those who never did it in grade school https://smile.amazon.com/Drawing-Circle-Images-Artistic-Symmetrical/dp/9526787862/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2L459M56JNNOT&dchild=1&keywords=how+to+draw+geometric+patterns&qid=1625495209&sprefix=geometric+patterns+how%2Caps%2C270&sr=8-2
tool https://smile.amazon.com/Husqvarna-MZ54F-Kawasaki-Hydrostatic-Riding/dp/B07NDLRZNW/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=11FAYPA9KGBQI&dchild=1&keywords=riding+lawn+mowers+%26+tractors&qid=1625495386&sprefix=riding%2Caps%2C275&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFLQVRYQkRYODVIQlYmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTAzMTMyMjAySDMxM1MxS1daWTdIJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA4NzExNjZRNDhDMFg0OEIyV1Umd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl
Crop circles are usually explained as the handiwork of creative pranksters.
Not true,' says Dr. Eltjo H. Haselhoff, Ph.D., former employee of Los Alamos National Laboratories.
The complexity of the crop circle phenomenon is tremendously underestimated, because its true nature is unknown to the general public.' `Obviously, there are people trying to imitate the real thing, but the suggestion that all of these crop formations are made by men with simple flattening tools is by far insufficient to explain the well-documented observations, like unambiguous and consistent biophysical anomalies in the flattened plants, inside the circles, all of which have been published in peer-reviewed scientific literature,' according to Dr. Haselhoff.http://www.greatdreams.com/crop/hoax/hoax.htm
It is obviously a local art form.
It's obviously not... explain the elongated superheated nodes in the crops if it's just guys with boards.... you can't....
I agree with you that the real crop circles are supernatural, (ones with super heated elongated nodes, specifically on crops like canola that should snap) but not all skeptics are saying it's just people with boards anymore. Some people actually claim artists are somehow still behind the more advanced formations as well and that their methods are a secret
That's fine, if that's the case they should easily be able to replicate the production of the unusual nodes then right? Demonstrate their techniques? Or is it all hush hush?
You're preaching to the choir, 2 people I've talked to in real life and articles I've read claim that the artists figured out ways to make crop circles that scientists can't replicate. In my eyes that means the "artists" are more than just artists or they're admitting that scientists can't figure out shit
It isn't guys with boards. It's guys with lasers and stakes setting precise points and angles and then making lines with mowing--plaster dust--herbicide--heat guns-- any number of things. It is entirely possible with stuff from Ace Hardware to create a lot of effects in the grass. What is wrong with ascribing careful measurement and cleverness to human beings? You are surrounded by artifacts you depend on like your computer, much of which would have been considered witchcraft only 200 years ago and impossible science 100 years ago. Crop circles is nothing compared to transistors.
Please link a video comparison of these artists nodes and the 'unexplained' ones. There are many anecdotes of these things appearing in minimal amounts of time. Lasers, ropes, heat guns would take large amounts of time, not to mention how they would power a heat gun In the middle of a field.... Sounds like a cool story, and may have happened, but I would hesitate to say it explain all or even the majority of the circles.
This works both ways, you know. If aliens or fairies or Mother Nature did it, they have to obey the same rules of physics and botany everyone else does. I expect any explanation at all to be reproduceable with those rules and not fall back on jargon or "aliens know stuff we don't." Doom de Dooom Doom goes nowhere with me. If they know it, we can too. Also, as crop circles have been around a long time, I'll concede that our thought experiments should use minimal tools and chemicals instead of luxuries like lasers and precision mowers. Therefore, it becomes a matter of trying things, just like every other mystery.
I don't know what you mean by "artist" nodes vs. "unexplained" ones. To me nodes are the marking points of a design, whether natural or not, the vertices and intersections. They are only unexplained if they aren't there. The art in these circles is very human, starting with the circle, which is the easiest shape to mark out perfectly, just find a center point and use a rope as a compass. Squares would be much harder to make evenly on a large flat area. Then there are well-known mathematical ways to use the radius to cut up the circle into angles or chords to make your design. Since most of these new ones in Aylesbury follow a six sided motif I suspect that they make use of triangles, which can also be made easily and accurately with only a rope, although the feature one today is so intricate I think a laser was there. The fact that many designs suggest known and familiar motifs makes it all the more likely that they are done by people, and not organic: natural designs may have symmetry but also usually a spiral or a fractal evolution. See Fibonnaci. And not done by aliens unless we want to think that they share the same graphic styles. Which they could, after all these geometric shapes are also universal and there are only so many ways to arrange them. But these crop circle elements are arranged in a way pleasing to humans, so now we have to say the aliens share the same aesthetic in geometry. This is getting to be a real stretch, no? This marking out can all be done quickly and in a relatively hidden manner before the last step where you make the grass look different. You could also prepare your ground for a dramatic reveal in advance by many means, such as applying fertilizer to make parts thicker and greener, or an herbicide, like salt, to thin or brown it. Or actually, leaving boards around so the grass fades under them, then the grass would wilt immediately in the hot sun when the shade is removed, and appear burned. You can apply a light oil or salt for a burned effect too. The change in grass would not take place immediately. I think it would be quite possible to work in steps, then trigger a big reveal by mowing, raking, watering.
A natural way that some circles occur is from microbursts, little intense downdrafts or teeny little tornado, and they can be quite damaging but fortunately they last only moments. That would be instant enough, but not at all artistic. Another way interesting circles appear in grass is from ants and termites, as they spread out from a central nest. These will have that fractal look though. Fungus is so obvious on a close look, I would put that low on the explanation list even though some fungus is quite startling.
13 vs 17, an Saturn (satan) in a hexagon, flat cube, star of david, hex = spell/magic, sex = serpents hex, or serpents spell
Avebury is not too far from where I live and is generally considered to be "mystical" or at least pre-historic because of its massive stone circle around the entire village.
I have no idea why people like making the crop circle art-forms but there are plenty of them.
More info https://stonehengedronescapes.rutitle.com/
What if these are demonic hexes? The Devil is called the lord of the air. I get an occult vibe from these crop circles; I’m not interested in what made it, I’m interested in it’s intended purpose.
I get the exact opposite feeling from them considering they often used sacred geometry, something God created as a blueprint to his entire creation.
Looks like the old camera shutter shot from James Bond . Yep and now the theme music is stuck in my head
Saturn is the keystone.
The same "experts" who claim crop circles can't be created by men are the same ones who say ancient stones can't be fitted together so well that a piece of paper can't be inserted. I know how huge stones can be fitted perfectly. It involves a little bit of sand and some twisting. If you can move a stone, you can fit it to the one below it perfectly.
Scientific fields are so specialized today that most scientists are almost totally ignorant of all other fields of study. I am a polymath and read widely. I know the people who create crop circles are using much better tools than stakes, ropes, and boards. Any technology sufficiently advanced appears to be magic to the ignorant masses.
What a let down. I thought it was going to be "Trump Won".
So can we get some crop circle creators out there creating "Trump Won" crop circles (/formations)? Maybe the guy who started the "Trump Won" MLB signs?
Q - don't use those "healthy" version of hanebu saucer for the god sake ! It is so old probably that mercury leaks from it like oil from old car engine. British government is maybe not real friend of USA,but that could be recognised as chemical warfare ! /joke (maybe)
17 lateral "slices" Interdasting!