Women will have it worse with clotting disorders and many will literally bleed out.
The Children will be sterile largely.
Many will also face Strokes / Heart Attacks / Cardiac Arrest / Aneurism But also a developmental disorder that will start as a feeling of electricity in their nerves and persist until their nerves deteriorate into their actual brain stem.
Those that are flukes enough to remain impregnable will see the same affects within their genetic line going forward.
Rh factor may play a part as well as ethnicity.
If you look at the landscape blacks are dropping like flies from clotting and heart attacks.
The coof has been said to affect people differently by Rh factor and blood type, so it wouldn't be surprising if adverse reactions vary by Rh factor and blood type as well.
If I recall correctly, VAERS doesn't capture blood type info.
Is there any source that might have adverse reaction data by blood type?
Recent data suggests that people with blood type A have a significantly higher risk of acquiring COVID-19 than non-A blood types. Blood type O seems to have the lowest risk.
They pointed to the recent research that blood type plays a role in infection, noting the lower than expected prevalence of blood group O individuals among COVID-19 patients. Researchers also observed how blood groups are "increasingly recognized to influence susceptibility to certain viruses," among them SARS-CoV-1 and norovirus, adding that individuals with A, B, and AB blood types may be at "increased risk for thrombosis and cardiovascular diseases," which are important comorbidities among patients hospitalized with COVID-19.
The objective is a passive removal of new headcount and a reduction in care costs.
The Parents will decline rapidly in about 9 months.
Women will have it worse with clotting disorders and many will literally bleed out.
The Children will be sterile largely.
Many will also face Strokes / Heart Attacks / Cardiac Arrest / Aneurism But also a developmental disorder that will start as a feeling of electricity in their nerves and persist until their nerves deteriorate into their actual brain stem.
Those that are flukes enough to remain impregnable will see the same affects within their genetic line going forward.
Rh factor may play a part as well as ethnicity.
If you look at the landscape blacks are dropping like flies from clotting and heart attacks.
I don’t wish any of this in anyone.
We have all made mistakes.
These people trusted.
Have you never trusted?
As Q said “Those you trust the most.”
Trust in God.
The coof has been said to affect people differently by Rh factor and blood type, so it wouldn't be surprising if adverse reactions vary by Rh factor and blood type as well.
If I recall correctly, VAERS doesn't capture blood type info.
Is there any source that might have adverse reaction data by blood type?
Have you seen anything with actual correlations?
I.E. O-positive, major symptoms
B-negative, mild symptoms
One of a number of articles about the coof and blood type (references a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine):
"Type O and Rh-Negative Blood Type Protective Against COVID-19" by Estie Mermelstein, MSN, FNP-BC January 13, 2021
Thank you very much.
Yes. The trouble is the AMA doing their thing and ripping out published studies.
To collate further - prevalence of blood type by region / geography https://www2.palomar.edu/anthro/vary/vary_3.htm
Thank you. Great info.
Good question to dig in.
medalerts.org doesn’t seem to have a blood type field. I will start combing https://medalerts.org/vaersdb/index.php