That's the best part... think about what he is saying. Three of them risked their health to take the vaccine, and then they still got WuFlu anyway which further risks their health.
Notice he didn't say anything at all about them being super sick of hospitalized by WuFlu. That's because its nowhere near as dangerous as we've been lead to believe. This whole thing is one giant scam coming from both sides. We are taking a dangerous vaccine to protect us from a virus that's less dangerous than the vaccine itself is. Re-read that last sentence again...
Women will have it worse with clotting disorders and many will literally bleed out.
The Children will be sterile largely.
Many will also face Strokes / Heart Attacks / Cardiac Arrest / Aneurism But also a developmental disorder that will start as a feeling of electricity in their nerves and persist until their nerves deteriorate into their actual brain stem.
Those that are flukes enough to remain impregnable will see the same affects within their genetic line going forward.
Rh factor may play a part as well as ethnicity.
If you look at the landscape blacks are dropping like flies from clotting and heart attacks.
That's the best part... think about what he is saying. Three of them risked their health to take the vaccine, and then they still got WuFlu anyway which further risks their health.
Looks like Johnny didn't bother reading the RESEARCH (aka "science") and just believed the bullshit from the talking heads. If he had actually done any critical thinking for himself, he would have found out that taking the vaxx only reduces the risk of getting a symptom by LESS THAN 1%, as I detailed in this post:
If he is scared now, wait until the side effects start.
That's the best part... think about what he is saying. Three of them risked their health to take the vaccine, and then they still got WuFlu anyway which further risks their health.
Notice he didn't say anything at all about them being super sick of hospitalized by WuFlu. That's because its nowhere near as dangerous as we've been lead to believe. This whole thing is one giant scam coming from both sides. We are taking a dangerous vaccine to protect us from a virus that's less dangerous than the vaccine itself is. Re-read that last sentence again...
Kinda sad when you think about it...
I mean, yeah the parents getting their comuppance is one thing, but the kids shouldn't be punished for Mom and Dad's stupidity...
Saddest part, they'll just argue the vaccine made the virus less deadly.
I'm not even gonna hunt down the thread. It'll be in there somewhere, you watch.
It really sucks for the kids, and wait until the parents find out their kids may be sterilized and no grandchildren from them.
The objective is a passive removal of new headcount and a reduction in care costs.
The Parents will decline rapidly in about 9 months.
Women will have it worse with clotting disorders and many will literally bleed out.
The Children will be sterile largely.
Many will also face Strokes / Heart Attacks / Cardiac Arrest / Aneurism But also a developmental disorder that will start as a feeling of electricity in their nerves and persist until their nerves deteriorate into their actual brain stem.
Those that are flukes enough to remain impregnable will see the same affects within their genetic line going forward.
Rh factor may play a part as well as ethnicity.
If you look at the landscape blacks are dropping like flies from clotting and heart attacks.
I don’t wish any of this in anyone.
We have all made mistakes.
These people trusted.
Have you never trusted?
As Q said “Those you trust the most.”
Trust in God.
Kids always suffer
Sadly true.
Correct, the vast majority of the herd that is getting thinned out is the brainwashed.
Looks like Johnny didn't bother reading the RESEARCH (aka "science") and just believed the bullshit from the talking heads. If he had actually done any critical thinking for himself, he would have found out that taking the vaxx only reduces the risk of getting a symptom by LESS THAN 1%, as I detailed in this post:
These are side effects. The death serum makes the innoculated spike protein factories. The spike protein is the toxin.