That's when Chet alleged that he "watched my mom domineer and control my dad for my entire life and he just sat there and took it. When I feel like I'm not being respected as a man it strikes a nerve with me because it makes me feel like I'm allowing the same thing to happen to me and I'm becoming what I hated most in my father."
So, I was Tom Hanks' and Wilson's waiter in 1994 at a very hip restaurant in LA. It was the week after 'Forrest Gump' was released. They clearly had planned the dinner as an appearance before their film industry peers. Party of 14. At the time, the buzz over the movie was immense and the reception they got just for walking in was similar to a red carpet event.
Hanks was aloof, almost child-like. I took it for being humble and shy, and actually was amused by his persona. He barely talked or interacted with the other members of the table for the entire dinner.
Wilson other the other hand, was very engaged in controlling the entire dinner, ordering the first two courses for the table. She was specific and asked us not to take any food orders, other than entrees. She was walking around the table for the majority of the dinner, making sure to glad hand everybody at the table, while Hanks stared into space. She was the boss and there was no doubt.
Anyway, it's crazy to see Chet confirm an impression made on me, so long ago.
I actually think he was so ensconced in the role of Forrest, that there was a hangover from it and the subsequent hype about the film. It was this role that elevated him to the A++ level in Hollywood. To witness how people fawned over him that night was a little creepy, to be honest.
I believe he has multiple personalities, for sure. It's hard to unravel everything, but I absolutely think acting is a subset of MK Ultra programming.
Reminder - Chet went to Northwestern University that is closely connected with Racine, Wisconsin as the Ivy League school of the midwest. Racine is also closely connected with Cornell where Fauci went.
Why did Hanx quote A League of Their Own when he became the “star” of COVID? The movie nor the League were ever about baseball. What is it really about?
There was an anon over at Voat that would continually post tons of stuff about Racine, so much so that a lot of people got irritated by it and started telling him off. A lot of anons would just start blasting him, talking about how it wasn't true, etc.
This got me to do some.research of me own on Racine. I believe everything paoted on Boat about Racine is true.
Another weird connection is, "That 70's Show." Based in Racine, wasn't it? That can't be a coinkydink. Hello, Wisconsin!!!
Indeed everything shared since the beginning was The Truth.
This is why Racine became the most controversial, targeted, attacked, censored and banned of all topics on Voat.
Corrupt moderators, agents, operatives and Unit 8200 all played a role in the attacks.
Eventually they shut down Voat completely and chose Christmas Day to do it.
That 70’s Show is about Racine with a 14 year old from Ukraine and a cast of future stars of Scientology, Freemasonry and Kabbalah with main characters Red and Fez.
The Red Fez and China Medical Board are keys to unlocking what is happening today.
They aren’t targeting Republicans or Conservatives. They are targeting Christians.
Racine is the model community for their entire agenda, and has been their central meeting hub for generations.
Fred Gates met his handler wife in Racine and is one of the main people behind Rockefeller’s Operation Lockdown and using science, religion, industry, propaganda and philanthropy to achieve their evil goals.
You will also find that Racine was the key district used as the model for Zuckerberg and CTCL to rig the swing states.
This is why Nancy Pelosi said this before the election -
”No pressure, it’s all riding on Wisconsin, no pressure.”
Share and expose the “root” however you are able. Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.
Yeah, the Racine stuff is a bit thick and boring at first. You have to invest in it more than most, but it’s the most significant piece. It’s where it’s all beta tested first. And yeah, 70s Show is just them having a laugh.
So, Hanks is a cuck. That explains a lot. Killary is very controlling over Bill in public, piglosi is with her husband, so is AOC, Tlaib, Omar, Harris, etc.
This must be why the Left has been saying for years that, "the Future is Female."
So, I was Tom Hanks' and Wilson's waiter in 1994 at a very hip restaurant in LA. It was the week after 'Forrest Gump' was released. They clearly had planned the dinner as an appearance before their film industry peers. Party of 14. At the time, the buzz over the movie was immense and the reception they got just for walking in was similar to a red carpet event.
Hanks was aloof, almost child-like. I took it for being humble and shy, and actually was amused by his persona. He barely talked or interacted with the other members of the table for the entire dinner.
Wilson other the other hand, was very engaged in controlling the entire dinner, ordering the first two courses for the table. She was specific and asked us not to take any food orders, other than entrees. She was walking around the table for the majority of the dinner, making sure to glad hand everybody at the table, while Hanks stared into space. She was the boss and there was no doubt.
Anyway, it's crazy to see Chet confirm an impression made on me, so long ago.
I actually think he was so ensconced in the role of Forrest, that there was a hangover from it and the subsequent hype about the film. It was this role that elevated him to the A++ level in Hollywood. To witness how people fawned over him that night was a little creepy, to be honest.
I believe he has multiple personalities, for sure. It's hard to unravel everything, but I absolutely think acting is a subset of MK Ultra programming.
He was, after all, "There Man With One Red Shoe."
Reminder - Chet went to Northwestern University that is closely connected with Racine, Wisconsin as the Ivy League school of the midwest. Racine is also closely connected with Cornell where Fauci went.
Why did Hanx quote A League of Their Own when he became the “star” of COVID? The movie nor the League were ever about baseball. What is it really about?
Who won The World Series?
Racine connected to Antarctica weirdness in any way?
It absolutely is.
Horlick of Racine funded many of Admiral Byrd’s expeditions to Little America and beyond.
Byrd named a mountain range after Horlick and took Horlick’s Malted Milk on the expeditions.
Many also do not know that more members of the Majestic 12 were from Wisconsin than any other state.
What did Buzz Aldrin say when he returned from Antarctica?
What path did Byrd take on his trips and what did he claim to have encountered?
Based and Racine pilled
There was an anon over at Voat that would continually post tons of stuff about Racine, so much so that a lot of people got irritated by it and started telling him off. A lot of anons would just start blasting him, talking about how it wasn't true, etc.
This got me to do some.research of me own on Racine. I believe everything paoted on Boat about Racine is true.
Another weird connection is, "That 70's Show." Based in Racine, wasn't it? That can't be a coinkydink. Hello, Wisconsin!!!
Thank you.
Indeed everything shared since the beginning was The Truth.
This is why Racine became the most controversial, targeted, attacked, censored and banned of all topics on Voat.
Corrupt moderators, agents, operatives and Unit 8200 all played a role in the attacks.
Eventually they shut down Voat completely and chose Christmas Day to do it.
That 70’s Show is about Racine with a 14 year old from Ukraine and a cast of future stars of Scientology, Freemasonry and Kabbalah with main characters Red and Fez.
The Red Fez and China Medical Board are keys to unlocking what is happening today.
They aren’t targeting Republicans or Conservatives. They are targeting Christians.
Racine is the model community for their entire agenda, and has been their central meeting hub for generations.
Fred Gates met his handler wife in Racine and is one of the main people behind Rockefeller’s Operation Lockdown and using science, religion, industry, propaganda and philanthropy to achieve their evil goals.
You will also find that Racine was the key district used as the model for Zuckerberg and CTCL to rig the swing states.
This is why Nancy Pelosi said this before the election -
Share and expose the “root” however you are able. Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.
Yeah, the Racine stuff is a bit thick and boring at first. You have to invest in it more than most, but it’s the most significant piece. It’s where it’s all beta tested first. And yeah, 70s Show is just them having a laugh.
Is this the inner Earth theory or something else?
So, Hanks is a cuck. That explains a lot. Killary is very controlling over Bill in public, piglosi is with her husband, so is AOC, Tlaib, Omar, Harris, etc.
This must be why the Left has been saying for years that, "the Future is Female."
No, apparently it's what Rita Wilson taught him.