586 Thou shalt have no other gods before me (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by ostof 3 years ago by ostof +587 / -1 100 comments download share 100 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
How can anyone not understand that this man was a drugged out criminal...
In this upside-down world villains become heroes.
I agree. I got my haircut today and several of us in the place were discussing exactly that.
I just said in another thread that my nail tech last night told me she did his baby mama's nails after hours, charged her $200 to come in after hours. Nail lady said the family is flush with cash.
Wasn’t it like, 27Million payday? Probably more...smh
I know right ??
They understand. It’s just that they’re also drugged out criminals.