by BQnita
JohnCClark 12 points ago +12 / -0

So Durham will be handing evidence over the defense counsel. This order says defense counsel has to keep it secret. He won’t, but the indictment Durham wrote already said what it said… taking the wind out of any efforts to leak / spin.

Tells me that defense will soon be in custody of information leading to the arrest of… well, let’s just say Durham is looking out for this guy’s physical security.

JohnCClark 4 points ago +4 / -0

There’s a lot of fuzzing going on, with much of it having some degree of merit, e.g. testing inaccuracies, problems with the vaxes, etc…

But to get back to basics Covid-19 was released on purpose.

The simplest explanation for why there’s a “new” variant that seems to target vaccinated people is that they released another strain.

They’re going to keep releasing these bioweapons.

Edit: It doesn’t matter how good or bad the vaccines are. It’s being driven by folks in labs who can push out worse and worse strains, selectively released, with different effects, different targeting…

JohnCClark 4 points ago +4 / -0

In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public schools Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction.


original jurisdiction is of so delicate and grave a character that it was not contemplated that it would be exercised save when the necessity was absolute." Louisiana v. Texas, 176 U. S. 1, 15 (1900).

Removing the POTUS seems like such a delicate and grave question that could only be resolved by the SCOTUS.

JohnCClark 2 points ago +2 / -0

They understand. It’s just that they’re also drugged out criminals.

JohnCClark 3 points ago +3 / -0

The tweet is wrong about Biden getting more votes, but that’s a lie he has to say so the post doesn’t get deleted / account banned.

JohnCClark 12 points ago +12 / -0

More like 60-75 days, if not more.

They can nice guy them / provide a partial response. Then the other side can file a motion to compel… and they get more time to respond to that. Then there may be a hearing on the motion. The Judge will give them another 10-30 days.

JohnCClark 3 points ago +3 / -0

Q was giving a premise, and then the truth. We’re told 99% are good, but in reality 99% are the problem. 1% are good.

JohnCClark 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep, there was a bit on NPR of all places where this young finance grad with no experience beyond a small internship was “put in charge” of like $300 Million for Haiti. She had no idea what to do, so she just wrote checks for 10-30 million to whoever she happened upon / was recommended. However, it was clear from the context that she was just writing checks to whoever she was told to... because although she was only working with two other people... the folks giving her the job told her to work with them. Her “coworkers” then recommended various groups that absconded with the money. Since the girl went public, NPR spun it as a mismanagement issue, while it was clear that she wasn’t allowed to actually manage the funds and was grossly unqualified to do so even if she wanted.

JohnCClark 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mine gets those every spring. They’re usually a good deal and sell out within a week.

by BQnita
JohnCClark 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cowardice. Logic demands action. Action is dangerous. Safer to believe something else.

JohnCClark 3 points ago +3 / -0

Perhaps, but imagine the number of Treason convictions that could be obtained and upheld with 500 justices on the Court.

JohnCClark 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, standing seems like a red herring because people view the election incorrectly. The POTUS is elected by the electoral college. The constitution does not contemplate widespread, public elections for that office. It's open-ended, so states can pick their electors however they want, including by holding sham / show "elections" to pacify their citizens, etc. But it most directly contemplates that the State Legislatures were vote on Electors every four years... and whoever controls the State Legislature will effectively end up controlling that state's Electoral votes.

As long as every state gets their electoral votes to cast, and no state submits too many electoral votes... it doesn't affect the other states.

The SCOTUS has the right view. Georgia's Legislature had it's pick. They could have sued. They could have said the Secretary of State had gone rogue and violated the conditions of his limited authority.... but the Georgia Legislature - who's the one in charge of this - was okay with Biden electors. The red herring is the "election" itself. Electors aren't elected by the public, they're appointed.

JohnCClark -12 points ago +2 / -14

Their lack of proofs glows.

JohnCClark 18 points ago +18 / -0

September 24th letter under the conversion to Full Investigation.

JohnCClark 3 points ago +3 / -0

From what they were saying on Hannity, the spooks intercepted Clinton’s plan, Brennan brought it to Obama and Obama - knowing it was all fake - took over by sending it to the FBI and tasking them to run with it.

JohnCClark 38 points ago +39 / -1

I think this is new info: That the FBI knew that Steele's claims were coming directly from Russian intelligence.

JohnCClark 1 point ago +1 / -0

Particularly if the US got a sample back in November, etc. The ban on travel from China would have bought us time to select and spread our own variant. It explains why it wasn't as bad as expected. It explains why Trump wasn't too too concerned about preventing the spread (because it was the vaccine-version spreading).

JohnCClark 1 point ago +1 / -0

Another theory is that the original covid was both less virulent and more lethal, but the US spread our own strain which was less lethal and more virulent... i.e. a vaccine.

It explains a lot of irregularities, such as why it affects different people in such drastically different ways. Sometimes seems to spread easily, and other-times not as easily as you'd think. So much is explained by the idea that there have been both a dangerous strain and an innocuous strain since very early on.

JohnCClark 1 point ago +1 / -0

A couple things about movies theaters

  1. Multiple movies are played in multiple theaters at the same time.
  2. If you're not in the theater, you won't see the show.
JohnCClark 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's no Constitutional basis for holding a new election. The Constitution provides Congress the authority to designate the line of succession after the Vice President.

If the President-Elect and Vice-President Elect are unable to assume the Presidency then it would go to Nancy Pelosi, if she can't, then Chuck Grassley, Pompeo, Mnuchin, Miller, ... until 2024.

The military would follow the constitution and "install" the first person on the list that isn't a foreign agent, etc.

by Home_
JohnCClark 9 points ago +9 / -0

So this was posted yesterday, and its not stickied on Reddit...