Sometimes I’m floored by the venom spewed toward each other by some users here. I don’t understand why, if we’re all in this together, people treat each other like the enemy. The vitriol! If we’re going to get through this, the only way is to treat each other well. Help clarify things, educate but do not put anyone else down. Deport the obvious shills.
Couple things- I was a mod on an “easy” forum for a good while. It’s a pain in the butt. The time commitment and you’re doing it for free...ugh. We used to spend hours “discussing” things in dms. There really was little time to post personally because everything else was a time suck. The time wasted with multiple usernames, it’s comical sometimes how dedicated they can be to the site. All the time responding to butthurt “good” members and members with good ideas and trying to make the site better. It’s thankless. I remember when I got asked to be a mod and I was excited and then it turned to dread. Absolute stomach aching dread. So anyway, don’t be too hard on mods anywhere. And
A day or two ago someone was complaining that they were suspended by Speak and then Speak posted one of their postings. High drama at .win. Can’t blame any mod for bailing, it’s got to be a thankless job.
Also speakeasy didnt take credit or say he personally created all the links he posted. He just posted a ton he had saved, and i think he said that in the post. He didnt try to take credit for creating the info, seemed to just be sharing.
Sometimes I’m floored by the venom spewed toward each other by some users here. I don’t understand why, if we’re all in this together, people treat each other like the enemy. The vitriol! If we’re going to get through this, the only way is to treat each other well. Help clarify things, educate but do not put anyone else down. Deport the obvious shills.
Couple things- I was a mod on an “easy” forum for a good while. It’s a pain in the butt. The time commitment and you’re doing it for free...ugh. We used to spend hours “discussing” things in dms. There really was little time to post personally because everything else was a time suck. The time wasted with multiple usernames, it’s comical sometimes how dedicated they can be to the site. All the time responding to butthurt “good” members and members with good ideas and trying to make the site better. It’s thankless. I remember when I got asked to be a mod and I was excited and then it turned to dread. Absolute stomach aching dread. So anyway, don’t be too hard on mods anywhere. And
BE DECENT TO EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!! Don’t be a Dem!
There are 17 mods listed on the lower right side of the site. If you are on mobile, switch to desktop mode to see them.
Yup I think that tells a story there then!!! Speak was here for longest by a long way, hmmmmmm I wonder...................
I see what you're saying. Thanks for sharing. Looks like catsfive and parallax_crow are most recent.
A day or two ago someone was complaining that they were suspended by Speak and then Speak posted one of their postings. High drama at .win. Can’t blame any mod for bailing, it’s got to be a thankless job.
Next thing you know the mods will be promoting George News.
Evspra, come back!
I think you're thinking of u/NessinOnett, he said that like a week or 2 ago.
It sure looks that way, fren.
Also speakeasy didnt take credit or say he personally created all the links he posted. He just posted a ton he had saved, and i think he said that in the post. He didnt try to take credit for creating the info, seemed to just be sharing.
Just going through the mods there post history there are 4 active mods with SpeakEasy gone. Catsfive, God_Bless_America1, Archon69, and parallax_crow.
Life gets busy. Any way to get more mods on the list?