I just went to the Fox News website, to see how they were covering the absolutely blockbuster election fraud news out of Arizona.
Not one single word, not one little mention on the unfolding of the biggest news story we will likely ever see. On their huge, bloated front page (that, on my computer, renders as 25 screens tall), the only mention of Arizona is... "Arizona hit hard with flash flooding in wildfire burn scar."
Full on media collusion.
Total media blackout of the earth-shaking truth.
Fox News is going to Find Out, just like the rest, because they have been operating fully as a member of the conspiracy that demonstrably (and flagrantly) stole the American election and colluded to prevent any discussion of the damning truth.
RICO, at the minimum, but this even goes beyond - this was a treasonous foreign-involved attack on the United States. And Fox News is thoroughly, totally involved.
Nice... I like to call it Faux News... and let's fuck Newsmarx while we're at it
So true about Newsmarx ?.good call I’m using that :) they really piss me off
Bill OReily is a huge red flag on Newsmarx. Newsmarx is diet coke to Faux's coke.
Plus that main dude on newsmarx who President Trump praised , I think DJT was friends with the dudes father anyway that scumbag is posting that him and demon Chrissy tegan are great friends and that’s she’s a good person and stop being mean to her ..fk newsmarx , they also cut of Mike lindell when he was trying to talk about the steal
CEO is buddy's with the Clinton Crime Family https://johnbwellsnews.com/report-newsmax-ceo-donates-1-million-to-clinton-foundation/
and One Ancient News Network
Actually OAN isn’t that bad from what I’ve seen, heard. I just use .wins myself though.
OAN is far and away the best.
Their feeds are usually pretty bad, and their live personalities are kinda dry.
It's about accurate content. They'll get better as time goes on.
Well, that's because you just use the wins. They are totally cucked at this point.