Britney Spears... Red pills coming?
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OK, I'm gonna stop you there because your scapegoat doesn't hold water:
The Khazarians have only existed in a meaning way for less than 1,300 years and the Jewish reputation for Satanism, child sacrifice, sedition and treason was WELL established for centuries before then. Even Jesus Christ called out the Jew's reputation for being spiritually bankrupt during the Cleansing of the Temple.
Your Khazarian scapegoat also fails because the horrors of the Jewish Talmud predates the Khazar by more than a millennium.
Additionally, your Khazarian scapegoat is only wheeled out when Jews are caught with their pants down. It's unreasonable to pretend that the "real Jews" have remained silent while your Khazarians spent the last 1300 years infiltrating their culture and ruining their reputations.
TL;DR: Khazarians did not ruin the "real Jew's" reputation and the Khazarians follow the Jewish Orthodox Talmudic teachings and your "real Jews" seem happy to silently protect them... making the scapegoat meaningless. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it's a duck.
The Jewish Talmud has shaped Jewish law, culture and history for over three thousand years: long before it was transcribed, back when it was passed down verbally from one generation to the next.
Not every Jew studies the Jewish Talmud, but every Jew is a Talmudic Jew.
Yes: the garden variety Jews who protect the powerful Jews are no better than the powerful Jews in the same way that anyone who protects a pedophile is no better than a child rapist.
They always come as a matching set and they always try to kill every host nation from within, like a cancer.
The distinction between the different flavors of Jew and the range of scapegoats in meaningless.
Which leads me to ask, is a cloned duck a duck, and does it have the same rights as a duck?
If a majority of the ducks, cloned or otherwise, are working together to kill western civilization from within like a cancer to achieve their Satanic, spiritually-bankrupt, master-race, anti-Christ agenda to steal everything and enslave every human...
...then the distinction is moot and we must end their genocidal nightmare with a Final Solution for the sake of our children and their children.
If there are "good ducks" and "bad ducks" then they have always come as a matching set for 3,000 years and the "good ducks" always protect the "bad ducks" in exchange for nepotistic wealth and power.
This is why ducks are the most exiled people in human history and this is why trusting a duck is like playing Russian Roulette with five bullets in the cylinder.
And anyone who claims we should judge each duck by their actions rather than their Satanic, genocidal, master-race, anti-Christ, Christ-murdering culture... then tell them we tried that and the ducks infiltrate our core institutions of mainstream media, social media and Google, our government and the Democrat Party leadership, our academia, our CDC (which is controlled by two ducks), 73% of our White House Cabinet and even Antifa and BLM through the duck's Open Society Foundations...
...and after a string of failed coup attempts, the ducks finally succeeded by working together to kill America from within, like a cancer.
We played their game of Russian Roulette and on January 21 2021, we lost and the wall was pained with Lady Liberty's brains.
If ducks don't like the reputation they earned after 3,200 years of uninterrupted degeneracy, pedophilia, Satanism, deceit, theft, genocide, sedition and treason then that's their problem.
It's not our problem.