Did he leave office with the USA still under a State of Emergency? Did he sign the Insurrection Act? What if America is no longer a corporation, as many have suggested, and Trump is now the sitting President of a brand new Republic?
I don't pretend to know how this works. LOL I've listened to lots of diffetent views. I'm wondering if getting Bidet out of "office" is only for show. They have to do it the right way so that libs can't say Trump unlawfully bullied his way back into the White House. The audits could do just that. Numbers don't lie.
Would love to discuss this. :-)
It would be great if Trump still is president. The part that makes me think this might be possible is: 1) he updated EO 13848 and 2) he replaced the secretary of defense just shortly before the 2021 inauguration and 3) I thought I heard he changed the chain of command for the special operations teams.
He DID change the CoC for SPECOPS. It pissed-off the DS royally.
What do you mean he "updated" the EO?
Yes, it was former Green Beret / Army Special Forces Chris Miller.
Yes they made a massive & monumental shift in SOCOM / SPECOPS; my understanding is they essentially made SOCOM its own branch of the military, just like the Army, Navy, AF, etc.
Now SOCOM is essentially it's own co-equal branch of the military and it reports directly to SECDEF.
FWIW; remember these are the absolute best of the best, top-tier guys. I've also read from MANY sources that the higher up the secret squirrel chain you go, the more conservative the guys are; your average Navy SEAL is not some snowflake fag.
These are some of the most patriotic and good men this nation has ever created; these are exactly the men you'd NEED on your side in order to defeat this coup that has taken place.
I stand corrected. I thought EO 13848 was updated by Trump but it appears it was created by Trump. Looks like it was to maybe strengthen or add additional items to EO 13694 and EO 13757.
Thanks for the links!
Interesting. I hadn't heard this.
If Trump is still President, that solves the issues Lapstrake brings up in his post. Would be brilliant. Sometimes there are things that happen that make me think he’s still in control. 🙏