Who knows. We're watching a play, right? I'm still waiting for the chemtrails to stop. Still waiting for observable justice. 911. JFK. Pedophilia. Election fakery. And now, weather wars.
SAME HERE!!! A career in Aerospace and I’d LOVE to get my hands on those pilots, ground crews...EVERYONE INVOLVED. Watching them poison Earth and us makes my blood ~BOIL~. Hence all the Caps.
I'm still waiting to see some "chemtrails." I see a few regular-type contrails, because there is a base 40 miles away, and I'm approximately on the NY to FL airline route.
Who knows. We're watching a play, right? I'm still waiting for the chemtrails to stop. Still waiting for observable justice. 911. JFK. Pedophilia. Election fakery. And now, weather wars.
I really want the chemtrails gone too...
SAME HERE!!! A career in Aerospace and I’d LOVE to get my hands on those pilots, ground crews...EVERYONE INVOLVED. Watching them poison Earth and us makes my blood ~BOIL~. Hence all the Caps.
And now tons of “conservatives” are pushing the vax
I'm still waiting to see some "chemtrails." I see a few regular-type contrails, because there is a base 40 miles away, and I'm approximately on the NY to FL airline route.