22 posted 3 years ago by SkiSkiUSMC 3 years ago by SkiSkiUSMC +23 / -1 13 comments share 13 comments share save hide report block hide replies
How many would you like?
Boom or Doom...pick one.
who knows, could be anything; couldbe disinfo by Q and be nothing at all. We have to wait at see.
Something like WATCH THE WATER are so vague you attribute any event to them, and many do!!
I think we need to think about these Booms like the left thinks about gender. We have our own visions of what a boom is. And there be many of them lately
^This^ is it, in a nutshell.
😂😂 I like how you phrased that
Dang ha I guess I mixed my pirate dialect up with my patriot dialect. I'll let my Russian coder know you gave some good feedback.