have you considered that you guys just might be idiots? 😂😂😂
This is genius level "idiocy" unfortunately. "The Gadfly" Voynich's scenario...
u/FroagOnWin, u/AllMostThereu/farpointpatriot, u/eyerighteyeu/Monomial and other not mentioned: you allowed this idiot to succeed making those shitstorm more active. Press all deport and wait. If mods still wouldn't be active we have much bigger problem than just one shill or idiot.
u/endgame-now: DEPORT. Deporting you is now only option,your behaviour is unacceptable even despite the fact you just accidentally prove this forum is not doing things it was created for.
He deleted it after the ban.
More info here:
This is genius level "idiocy" unfortunately. "The Gadfly" Voynich's scenario...
u/FroagOnWin, u/AllMostThere u/farpointpatriot, u/eyerighteye u/Monomial and other not mentioned: you allowed this idiot to succeed making those shitstorm more active. Press all deport and wait. If mods still wouldn't be active we have much bigger problem than just one shill or idiot.
u/endgame-now: DEPORT. Deporting you is now only option,your behaviour is unacceptable even despite the fact you just accidentally prove this forum is not doing things it was created for.
Temporary bans shall be available...