Is it? Free speech is ok up until the point that it harms others. I live in a free country. Does that mean I am free to do as I please, even murder my neighbor, because it is a free country?
I will give you one more clue
A society that doesn't have a problem with posting profanity in every front yard of America doesn't have a problem with stealing elections or your freedoms either. Degeneracy breeds degeneracy.
Murder is illegal. Free speech is not. Some of society apparently did have a problem with it and was offended, but this guy's rights don't end where their feelings begin.
I listen to my neighbor call his 4 young children every filthy name in the book every day, he screams at them that they are a-holes, f- ing this name and that name etc etc the youngest is 3 or 4 yrs old. But you are ok with that free speech even if the kid ends up a mental case from that kind of abuse.
First, your murder example is logical fallacy. Posting signs that are protected by free speech is not valid comparison to murder. Apparently you didn't take a debate class.
Second, just for fun-sies, I'll give you two examples where violence, even killing somebody is legal.
Fighting Words: These are words and insults that, depending on the situation, can cause the offended party to punch the insulting party in the head, and it'd be perfectly legal to do so.
Justifiable homicide: an occurrence where the person is under attack by another person and the only way the can survive is by killing the other person, as the other person intent on killing them.
Both are hard to prove in court, but there have been instances where the defendant proved that both those instances where the case, and were found not guilty as a result.
Last: a society that doesn't have a problem with profanity is one that is fine with a stealing an election? That is another logical fallacy: there is no way you can prove that one leads to the other. I'll let you in on a secret: people have been swearing constantly since the creation of our country. Yes: even during those rosy times in 10's, 20's, 30's, 40's, and 50's. People had sex out of wedlock. Only they hid the daughter and the kid in another city to hide their shame... then went to church on Sunday as if everything was fine and dandy.
Times were not so clean then, and they aren't now.
What you are proposing is what the left is doing: language control. Things will be better if we stop using bad language. Well, look where those PC crybabies ended up: in their safe spaces, trying to control our language, because people think in language. They know they can't physically stop people like this man, because this man is strong and capable of defending himself. So they are trying to stop him by fining him for expressing his disdain via those signs. Its a coward's way of handling things.
I read your posts. You are very religious, reciting scripture. You use your religion in the same way these people do: control. The world will be better without bad language. I like religion, because it gives a path and a set of morals for those who have none. But when folks go off the deep in for religion and beliefs, you get the same situation you have in those Muslim countries: totalitarian control: the same thing the left wants.
Free speech should be protected period. People have the right to say whatever the hell they want. Its a strength, not a weakness. And they will pay for saying what they want if they go too far: a punch in the head, ostracized from society, and or even jail time. We need assholes in this world, because assholes are strong people. But an asshole can get fucked too if they go too far.
I like religion and the values it provides for people. However, when religious folks go to that "you can't say that" territory where you want to control society, you guys are no better than Antifa or BLM.
So to you I say this: fuck off with your rhetoric.
And they took Jesus and beat Him, and put a crown of thorns on His head and mocked Him saying save thyself if you can, and when they were finished they led Him away and drove spikes through His hands and through His feet after they stripped Him naked. They did all this to their Creator who could have called ten thousand angels to destroy the world, but He set His face like a flint and would not fail or be discouraged until he had set Judgement in the Earth. He died to rescue you friend, from an unimaginable future of misery. That is the God you mock.
I mocked you for pushing the same rhetoric as Antifa, BLM, and the left.
They push language control and thought control via PC Politics/CRT to control the masses.
You are pushing language and thought control control via the bible to control the masses.
And the worst part is you don't realize the hypocrite you are being by doing so.
And by the way, I'm a full Catholic: all steps through confirmation. I stopped going to church when I found out about the pedophilia allegations in the early 2000's. Most of my family is as well. They'd be disgusted by what you bile you are pushing. But feel free to spit another verse in the bible as a shield. I'm sure you believe you have the best of intentions by pushing the same ideas totalitarian control that Antifa/BLM are pushing only with a different origin.
The road to hell is paved of the best intentions, as they say.
I listen to my neighbor call his 4 young children every filthy name in the book every day, he screams at them that they are a-holes, f- ing this name and that name etc etc the youngest is 3 or 4 yrs old. But you are ok with that free speech even if the kid ends up a mental case from that kind of abuse.
Probably a stupid analogy on my part, point is, harm can come from words, think libel suits, perjury on a witness stand, etc.
At my workplace it is hard to find anyone who can put a complete sentence together without throwing in several cuss words, got to keep everyone impressed with our mastery of vulgarities. We speak of our God given rights often but we never give any thoughts to God's rights over our speech. We shall see who is wise and who is the moron someday when He brings an end to all of man's rebellion against Him
Psalm 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.
It may be crass and impolite, but it is still his right to say what he wants.
Saying that you don't agree the ruling because his speech uses 'dirty words' is something the left does.
Is it? Free speech is ok up until the point that it harms others. I live in a free country. Does that mean I am free to do as I please, even murder my neighbor, because it is a free country?
I will give you one more clue A society that doesn't have a problem with posting profanity in every front yard of America doesn't have a problem with stealing elections or your freedoms either. Degeneracy breeds degeneracy.
Murder is illegal. Free speech is not. Some of society apparently did have a problem with it and was offended, but this guy's rights don't end where their feelings begin.
Actually mant communities have laws about posting profanity, when I was a kid swear words were not allowed on TV. A lot has changed.
Now TV allows cursing, thus she is also allowed. Remember Carlin's 7 words?
I listen to my neighbor call his 4 young children every filthy name in the book every day, he screams at them that they are a-holes, f- ing this name and that name etc etc the youngest is 3 or 4 yrs old. But you are ok with that free speech even if the kid ends up a mental case from that kind of abuse.
First, your murder example is logical fallacy. Posting signs that are protected by free speech is not valid comparison to murder. Apparently you didn't take a debate class.
Second, just for fun-sies, I'll give you two examples where violence, even killing somebody is legal.
Both are hard to prove in court, but there have been instances where the defendant proved that both those instances where the case, and were found not guilty as a result.
Last: a society that doesn't have a problem with profanity is one that is fine with a stealing an election? That is another logical fallacy: there is no way you can prove that one leads to the other. I'll let you in on a secret: people have been swearing constantly since the creation of our country. Yes: even during those rosy times in 10's, 20's, 30's, 40's, and 50's. People had sex out of wedlock. Only they hid the daughter and the kid in another city to hide their shame... then went to church on Sunday as if everything was fine and dandy.
Times were not so clean then, and they aren't now.
What you are proposing is what the left is doing: language control. Things will be better if we stop using bad language. Well, look where those PC crybabies ended up: in their safe spaces, trying to control our language, because people think in language. They know they can't physically stop people like this man, because this man is strong and capable of defending himself. So they are trying to stop him by fining him for expressing his disdain via those signs. Its a coward's way of handling things.
I read your posts. You are very religious, reciting scripture. You use your religion in the same way these people do: control. The world will be better without bad language. I like religion, because it gives a path and a set of morals for those who have none. But when folks go off the deep in for religion and beliefs, you get the same situation you have in those Muslim countries: totalitarian control: the same thing the left wants.
Free speech should be protected period. People have the right to say whatever the hell they want. Its a strength, not a weakness. And they will pay for saying what they want if they go too far: a punch in the head, ostracized from society, and or even jail time. We need assholes in this world, because assholes are strong people. But an asshole can get fucked too if they go too far.
I like religion and the values it provides for people. However, when religious folks go to that "you can't say that" territory where you want to control society, you guys are no better than Antifa or BLM.
So to you I say this: fuck off with your rhetoric.
And they took Jesus and beat Him, and put a crown of thorns on His head and mocked Him saying save thyself if you can, and when they were finished they led Him away and drove spikes through His hands and through His feet after they stripped Him naked. They did all this to their Creator who could have called ten thousand angels to destroy the world, but He set His face like a flint and would not fail or be discouraged until he had set Judgement in the Earth. He died to rescue you friend, from an unimaginable future of misery. That is the God you mock.
I didn't mock God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit.
I mocked you for pushing the same rhetoric as Antifa, BLM, and the left.
And the worst part is you don't realize the hypocrite you are being by doing so.
And by the way, I'm a full Catholic: all steps through confirmation. I stopped going to church when I found out about the pedophilia allegations in the early 2000's. Most of my family is as well. They'd be disgusted by what you bile you are pushing. But feel free to spit another verse in the bible as a shield. I'm sure you believe you have the best of intentions by pushing the same ideas totalitarian control that Antifa/BLM are pushing only with a different origin.
The road to hell is paved of the best intentions, as they say.
Sin has been the downfall of every nation in History
Ah yes, hanging a sign that reads "FUCK" and murder. Same boat.
I listen to my neighbor call his 4 young children every filthy name in the book every day, he screams at them that they are a-holes, f- ing this name and that name etc etc the youngest is 3 or 4 yrs old. But you are ok with that free speech even if the kid ends up a mental case from that kind of abuse.
Only a moron would not be able to discern the difference between murder and words.
Probably a stupid analogy on my part, point is, harm can come from words, think libel suits, perjury on a witness stand, etc. At my workplace it is hard to find anyone who can put a complete sentence together without throwing in several cuss words, got to keep everyone impressed with our mastery of vulgarities. We speak of our God given rights often but we never give any thoughts to God's rights over our speech. We shall see who is wise and who is the moron someday when He brings an end to all of man's rebellion against Him
Psalm 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.