posted ago by alphaliberal ago by alphaliberal +45 / -0

I'm seeing lots of posts and comments about how to fight Covid mandates. I see compilations of websites we can visit and research for help. All good!

But I also see people recommending to lawyer up if an employer forces a vaccine mandate. I agree but here is the rub:

Most of us do not have $5-10 grand lying around in a bank somewhere to fight the behemoths known as Corporate America or even some small to medium size business as we all know they have law firms on retainer 24/7/365.

So what can be done about this? I for one say we set up a fund. But I do not know the ins and outs of setting up a legal defense fund. I'm willing to help, but we need some people who have money and know how to step up if they are concerned about this.

I can give speeches and reach out and write articles about the human rights violations that are being pushed on us with mandates. The one thing I do not know is how to set up such a structure that is flush with cash and knowhow.

Any takers on this question?