They are now telling the vaccinated that the "vaccines" don't work.
Just for the goal of putting them back on the masks.
They 180° flipped on their most loyal stooges just so they can push masks again.
They aren't even pushing the "Delta is caused by anti-vaxxers" angle anymore. I'm seeing MSM articles come flat out and saying the vaccinated are the super-spreaders.
You know what this means, right?
They don't care about image or narrative anymore. They only care about killing people with "vaccines," boosters, and bacterial pneumonia causing masks.
They are pressing the CHAOS button.
They think the end-game is coming up.
So, maybe it is?
If only people weren’t dying, this would be hilarious right now.
I’m still laughing my ass off
but fren, always double check. Are more ppl dying now compared to last year? the year before?
Dying from what ? The flu or Covid ? Apparently, the BS tests can't tell the difference - remember ?
Correct, fren!