That is my point, I know all the Hillary evergreen connection , but besides the name how does her consulting firm connect.....Give us something more Purkiss.....hell I can post a picture of an evergreen tree and say it has something to doe with Hillary
Psaki was also the press secretary for the Clinton State Department when the investigations into child porn were shut down. There are no coincidences. Somehow it all ties together or they wouldn't have a main part in the movie.
I still think she was a trafficked kid. I think many of them were groomed from that stable.
Please remind us what this has to do with anything besides the name Evergreen.
The name of the boat was the ever given. This has no meaning - op should delete
Clinton...Evergreen...Multiple connections...Never mentioned the Boat Ever Given...?!
That is my point, I know all the Hillary evergreen connection , but besides the name how does her consulting firm connect.....Give us something more
Interesting, I would have guessed her code name would have been “insufferable bitch”.
Maybe she's insufferable because she has an evergreen shoved up her ass?
That is my point, I know all the Hillary evergreen connection , but besides the name how does her consulting firm connect.....Give us something more Purkiss.....hell I can post a picture of an evergreen tree and say it has something to doe with Hillary
Q posts referencing evergreen. One talks about depopulation.
Psaki was also the press secretary for the Clinton State Department when the investigations into child porn were shut down. There are no coincidences. Somehow it all ties together or they wouldn't have a main part in the movie.
This to do with the whole American Republic thing?