I believe the “variant” is in the jab - when people are getting sick after getting the jabs, it’s not just a reaction to the jab, it’s a contagious re-infection. When it’s already been shown that a bio-weapon/ virus was manufactured in a lab and released onto an unsuspecting public, why would we question the possibility that the “cure” they have pushed on us only contains more of the same. Natural viruses don’t mutant into a more virulent strain. The fact that “vaccinated” people are getting sick and testing positive for something (since the tests can’t actually differentiate between influenza/covid) tells me there’s something in the jab that is meant to reinfect the entire population. AND the fact that medications like Ivermectin and HDC seem to help some people with the “side-effects” of the jabs would also indicate that at least one side effect is an actual re-infection of (possibly) another manufactured virus. These people really are evil sh!ts and they are hell bent on not only killing as many of us as possible, but on keeping the rest of us away from each other and muzzling our voices - hence, more mask mandates and lockdowns. They can no longer pretend that this is for our good. They have pushed too far - and people are waking up.
I actually think its Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) - Which would explain why so many vaccinated people are getting sick in higher numbers
ADE happens when the antibody binding to the pathogen is weak. A small mutation in the virus can make this already weak binding even weaker and lead to ADE where the antibodies act like taxi services for the vaccine to infect your cells. Basically the following happens:
The antibody binds to the pathogen
The antibody / pathogen pair travels into the cell (and is let in because antibody is recognized by body)
Due to the mutation the already weak bond is even weaker and breaks letting the pathogen infect the cell and replicate
Basically this makes it so that the antibodies turn into the infection mechanisms with a slight mutation in the virus. A lot of vaccines get no safety approvals because of ADE and is usually something studied heavily in animal trials.... which makes you wonder why they cancelled all the animal trials?
So in effect if ADE is a problem with these vaccines, getting the vaccine makes you MORE at risk of getting sick from covid.
I believe the “variant” is in the jab - when people are getting sick after getting the jabs, it’s not just a reaction to the jab, it’s a contagious re-infection. When it’s already been shown that a bio-weapon/ virus was manufactured in a lab and released onto an unsuspecting public, why would we question the possibility that the “cure” they have pushed on us only contains more of the same. Natural viruses don’t mutant into a more virulent strain. The fact that “vaccinated” people are getting sick and testing positive for something (since the tests can’t actually differentiate between influenza/covid) tells me there’s something in the jab that is meant to reinfect the entire population. AND the fact that medications like Ivermectin and HDC seem to help some people with the “side-effects” of the jabs would also indicate that at least one side effect is an actual re-infection of (possibly) another manufactured virus. These people really are evil sh!ts and they are hell bent on not only killing as many of us as possible, but on keeping the rest of us away from each other and muzzling our voices - hence, more mask mandates and lockdowns. They can no longer pretend that this is for our good. They have pushed too far - and people are waking up.
I actually think its Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) - Which would explain why so many vaccinated people are getting sick in higher numbers
ADE happens when the antibody binding to the pathogen is weak. A small mutation in the virus can make this already weak binding even weaker and lead to ADE where the antibodies act like taxi services for the vaccine to infect your cells. Basically the following happens:
Basically this makes it so that the antibodies turn into the infection mechanisms with a slight mutation in the virus. A lot of vaccines get no safety approvals because of ADE and is usually something studied heavily in animal trials.... which makes you wonder why they cancelled all the animal trials?
So in effect if ADE is a problem with these vaccines, getting the vaccine makes you MORE at risk of getting sick from covid.