Mask and Vax mandates across the country, politicians hiding from their duties in other nations, whole countries falling apart, virtual war across our country. People dying, losing jobs, the Constitution under direct attack like never before.
The next couple weeks are going to be even worse. The more we push, the more they push back. Don't stop. Never surrender.
My closest friend has family that won't look at anti Vax research because when they looked up the authors they were MD's under investigation by the govt or going to have their licenses revoked because they speak out against the narrative. They say I should be extremely afraid of covud. They live in absolute fear and do everything the media tell them to do. I've pointed out the parallels between Nazi Germany and our govt and they don't believe it. They want more censorship of opinions they disagree with and will have no physical contact with us. They suggest we move out of CA. And they still can't see what is happening.. It may come to that if they mandate clotshot to buy food. They may engineer a food shortage nation wide and give food only to those who have submitted.
The good news is all of the produce and food is grown or raised out in red state country. We'll have the cities surrounded and they'll be begging for gruel. This is true even in blue states. Big blue cities surrounded by lots and lots of red.
As a bonus, those in the country all hunt too. The people that know how to sustain themselves, grow or raise food, hunt food (with guns and ammo), and also have all the heavy machinery.
It's the inner city libs that will be screwed. Just like a castle under siege.
Not making a threatening statement. Just stating the facts.
WAY far from the truth. The Central Valley of California is the major produce producing region in the US.
I don't much likie that particular fact either but it is a fact.
That is red country...