Mask and Vax mandates across the country, politicians hiding from their duties in other nations, whole countries falling apart, virtual war across our country. People dying, losing jobs, the Constitution under direct attack like never before.
The next couple weeks are going to be even worse. The more we push, the more they push back. Don't stop. Never surrender.
My closest friend has family that won't look at anti Vax research because when they looked up the authors they were MD's under investigation by the govt or going to have their licenses revoked because they speak out against the narrative. They say I should be extremely afraid of covud. They live in absolute fear and do everything the media tell them to do. I've pointed out the parallels between Nazi Germany and our govt and they don't believe it. They want more censorship of opinions they disagree with and will have no physical contact with us. They suggest we move out of CA. And they still can't see what is happening.. It may come to that if they mandate clotshot to buy food. They may engineer a food shortage nation wide and give food only to those who have submitted.
There will come a time when the vaxed begin flocking into hospitals with severe heart problems, blocked arteries, serious breathing problems or neurological issues... and overwhelm what remains of the medical system. There won't be any help for them, no way to reverse the damage.
For myself and my family, we are remaining UNVAXED, but very quiet about it. We're not advertising or making it known to everyone around us. If the SHTF, the victims (idiots who were talked into taking the life-ending vax) will want to lash out at anyone they feel is responsible for their situation.
What would happen if DJT and MTG and Wendy Rogers and Mike Flynn and . . . all had decided to remain quiet?
Speak your truth without fear.
Umm... Trump didn't remain quiet, he said he got the vaccine and encouraged others to do so. But I understand your point!
I don't think Trump ever claimed to get the vaccine. He did engage in the shameful and persistent promotion of it though while taking credit for its creation.
Actually there is some promise of a treatment against spike proteins... Dandelion leaves. German researcher did a paper on it Https://
Thank you for that share!
I hope the spike protein can be stopped at all
Good move. If what you propose happens, the unvaxxed will get blamed for creating the βvariant.
Meaning you never display the American flag on your property, car, or apparel.
Because if you do,.....they'll know.
I still fly my flag screw them.
My husband and I and family just go about our business and let others "think" we had been jabbed. We are retired so bc we are "old" most people just "assume" we have taken the shot. Many businesses are posting signs that say "if you are vaccinated you do not need a mask." WTH we just let them "assume". LOL
Ask them this. Should they trust the institution that bills you $100k~ to sti tch up your middle finger with a free jab? The same institution responsible for EXPERI MENTING on black people with S Y P H l L U S in the 30s through to the 70s?
The same Biden government that raised Insulin prices because they care so much about us? That government?
How do you Canadians know our dark secrets?
Contrary to common believe, we do have the internet. We just send and receive using the moose. Slow but reliable.
My internet was delivered to my house on the back of a beaver, so yes, we have the internet here in Canada.
The good news is all of the produce and food is grown or raised out in red state country. We'll have the cities surrounded and they'll be begging for gruel. This is true even in blue states. Big blue cities surrounded by lots and lots of red.
As a bonus, those in the country all hunt too. The people that know how to sustain themselves, grow or raise food, hunt food (with guns and ammo), and also have all the heavy machinery.
It's the inner city libs that will be screwed. Just like a castle under siege.
Not making a threatening statement. Just stating the facts.
Suburbanites will be in a pickle. Preppers are the ones who will fare best-- country folk and hunters being right up there too of course.
WAY far from the truth. The Central Valley of California is the major produce producing region in the US.
I don't much likie that particular fact either but it is a fact.
Well, I am talking about the country, not just California. The entire center of the nation grows wheat, corn, soy beans, plenty of other things. Raises cattle, pigs, chickens, etc. Yes, CA grows lots of lettuce and oranges and other fresh produce, not discounting that.
My point is maybe better illustrated by the 2016 election map (county by county). I can't use the 2020 because I hear it might be in dispute.
It appears that portions of the Central Valley were red in 2016.
That Lindell gif is my favorite.
That is red country...
I wonder what method they will use to destroy our crops. Fires? Floods? Hordes of locusts lol?
When they decide to bring on the famine phase I anticipate we will all face challenges.
That's exactly my point. Not sure there are too many farms or pastures in cities or suburbs. If the food supply is ever shut off because people aren't vaxxed, it's the cities and suburbs that will run out of food first. Too many people and basically no food production. Do you really think red states and red counties are going to play along with cutting off the food? Don't think so. They'll keep it for themselves.
I haven't spoken to my friend Darren in over 8 months and blocked his number because I'm sure he is just as afraid of it now as he was then. Real shame. I think he gets his NPC programming from Reddit. So do the Seattle and Austin based programmer friends of mine. Severe TDS. Stopped speaking with them. But we're all into psychedelics.
I have been "hearing" bits and pieces (not sure if true) that some truckers are being well paid to not deliver their shipments. Mainly produce and food stuffs. Anyone else been hearing that?