When this is all sorted out we will have to have some way of fixing all the bullshit dishonorable discharges this is going to generate. I know it's a shit position but it's better to be alive with that DD then dead. At least we can undo the DD. We can't undo dead.
Hmmm ... that's almost the name of the new Megadeth album ... "The Sick, the Dying, and the Dead" ... if that song is about the jab, I'll be convinced that the mastermind behind the band is a prophet :-) .
One you can be admired for. The other - not so much - regardless of your reasons.
The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.
I stress this. What you are discharged for, will matter. Weighing the ability to say "no" to coerced control over your body, as opposed to going away without leave.
The real shit situation, is putting yourself in the position where you can be rightly accused of dereliction of duty. That is not a good idea. If I'm right - and I have been so far - you'll be thanking me in the future if you follow this advice. "Q" is very much real, which means - if you make the right choice here - you could one day be testifying against the traitors that have been corrupting our young soldiers for decades. You would have the honor of being the embodiment of the genuine words, "thank you for your service." If you just ditch it? I'm afraid you won't have that opportunity.
As with my fellow civilians - I say "don't quit, let them fire you."
So here? Let them fire you for something so clear: A refusal to let them infringe upon your human rights with an experimental vaccine.
I'm putting in for IRR this weekend. If that doesn't work, im just going to stop showing up and take my discharge.
Not the right thing to do.
The right thing to do is say "I will not take the vaccine" until they choose to discharge you.
The moment I tell them no is the moment I get a dishonorable, whether it be right or wrong. It's a shit situation either way.
When this is all sorted out we will have to have some way of fixing all the bullshit dishonorable discharges this is going to generate. I know it's a shit position but it's better to be alive with that DD then dead. At least we can undo the DD. We can't undo dead.
Upside down and backwards. Many will see right through those dishonorable discharges. I predict it will be viewed as a badge of honor.
10 years from now most of the jabbed will be sick, dead, or dying.
2 or 3 yrs. not 10
" sick, dead, or dying."
Hmmm ... that's almost the name of the new Megadeth album ... "The Sick, the Dying, and the Dead" ... if that song is about the jab, I'll be convinced that the mastermind behind the band is a prophet :-) .
One you can be admired for. The other - not so much - regardless of your reasons.
I stress this. What you are discharged for, will matter. Weighing the ability to say "no" to coerced control over your body, as opposed to going away without leave.
The real shit situation, is putting yourself in the position where you can be rightly accused of dereliction of duty. That is not a good idea. If I'm right - and I have been so far - you'll be thanking me in the future if you follow this advice. "Q" is very much real, which means - if you make the right choice here - you could one day be testifying against the traitors that have been corrupting our young soldiers for decades. You would have the honor of being the embodiment of the genuine words, "thank you for your service." If you just ditch it? I'm afraid you won't have that opportunity.
As with my fellow civilians - I say "don't quit, let them fire you."
So here? Let them fire you for something so clear: A refusal to let them infringe upon your human rights with an experimental vaccine.
Show them what it really means to defend the constitution, maybe then those fucking cowards will do a double take and change thier mind.