Antifa thugs shut down family Christian worship event in Portland 😡
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I bet the police would have intervened if the Christians had tried to defend themselves...
You would win that bet
Can’t arrest the whole church. Stay strapped folks, these animals are not afraid of getting physical. Keep your family priority #1.
None of this shit has hit Spokane WA at all. So weird seeing the murders and constant BLM riots in Portland but being mouse quiet in Spokane outside of mask mandate bullshit.
These pussies need to be shown the door
These people are sick.
Words fail me.
I just want to be left the fuck alone. How fucking hard is it for you little faggots to just mind your own fucking business?
Can we vibe checked these retards yet?!
Open fire to protect yourself and your loved ones. Watch how fast the police move in then. Remember your oath officers. You will be held accountable.
In my opinion, they ALL should have been armed. How many Antifas would actually go to prison for their handlers? These kids are losers, not an army.
Quit going to Portland expecting remotely different results.
I'm sorry but it's been made abundantly clear that they a. Don't give a flying fuck about God so your fellowship isn't going beyond the group you went with. You won't convert minds. No one is going to have a come to Jesus moment. Their savages. b. That tactically speaking you and whatever group you take will always be outnumbered both by the goons on the street and the cops that won't lift a finger. Quit taking grandma to Portland expecting the savages to treat her like it's the western world. It hasn't been in years and all your doing is creating a shit situation for everyone dumb enough to follow you out there. Is it fair? Not at all. Is it right? Not at all. Is it reality? Yeah, sadly it is. Much like we tell the left simply "wishing it weren't so" doesn't change a fuckin thing.
How could someone find out when they plan to show up to an event? Hopefully one day they are greatly humbled.
Someone did a dump recently of the chat logs of Antifa/BLM around the country the one I found was called “PDX Rising”. I didn’t see them organize this. Do however, watch where the speakers will be gathering and we can pretty much expect their punk asses to show up. This speaker that they were furious with is Heather Ruger in Facebook, an up and coming political speaker.
You install a MAGA person on their contact list. Not the hardest thing to do.
Demons in flesh
Backed up here:
Christians are a bunch of pussies
Hitler may have been a puppet, but you can apparently see he legitimately hated the same enemies that we currently have.
Yeah I heard those bogus claims of him ether being Jewish, African, and etc. It's ridiculous really, Q did say disinformation is necessary. But who knows, he may have been fighting for what is right and we assume he's evil because of the MSM and etc.