Another thing that baffles me about the vaxxed is the fact they got the shot, by the grace of God they survived this far, then they turn around completely ignoring THAT HUGE MIRACLE and slap a mask on to rebreath in all the poisons their body is trying to rid itself of.
Yes, well, that's not really relevant because the Bible specifically says that we have to be responsible for ourselves, and that's a part of free will.
We are not on our own, ever. That's deception.
If you think about what we are up against, its a miracle that we're even still here.
Amen to that.
Another thing that baffles me about the vaxxed is the fact they got the shot, by the grace of God they survived this far, then they turn around completely ignoring THAT HUGE MIRACLE and slap a mask on to rebreath in all the poisons their body is trying to rid itself of.
Yes, well, that's not really relevant because the Bible specifically says that we have to be responsible for ourselves, and that's a part of free will.
I said we are not ALONE, not sure how you came to conclusion that that means we have no responsibility