They gonna down vote you, doc, cuz you over the target.
"Let's see what happens."
Ok, seems likely to me that Cuomo will slowly fade into the memory hole. His public persona will grow weaker by the week until he's no longer thought of all that much. What will have happened is that sometime around September he will be picked up by SpecOps and GITMOed.
Sayonara. Arrividerci.
The tribunals aren't showing any mercy for his kind.
Civil action is still possible but I think we all knew he would never see prison.
He's resigning from office and moving straight into Gitmo.
They gonna down vote you, doc, cuz you over the target.
"Let's see what happens."
Ok, seems likely to me that Cuomo will slowly fade into the memory hole. His public persona will grow weaker by the week until he's no longer thought of all that much. What will have happened is that sometime around September he will be picked up by SpecOps and GITMOed.
Sayonara. Arrividerci.
The tribunals aren't showing any mercy for his kind.