I realize your intent. I feel it is important to keep presenting this distinction, because it is so easy to blame a large group for the actions of a small subset; in fact it has plagued history. It is that action, of using the term "Jews" when what is meant is 0.001% of them (if any of them can really be called "Jewish" at all) that causes so many to be dissuaded from seeing the evidence.
nobody is fucking blaming the neighborhood kike of ruining the whole world - we're pointing out how the world schemes are derived by jewish bankers - grow the fuck up
Nobody goes this crazy semantic when it is Muslims or blacks or whites or gays or Catholics or Mormons or any other group. When Mitt Romney acts like an ass, people will happily talk shit about Mormons as a generality and everyone rolls with it. I know it sounds a lot harsher to the ear when it is “the Jews”, but isn’t that in and of itself pretty revealing?
There is literally a mainstream Hollywood movies called “White Men Can’t Jump”. A movie called “Jewish Women Can’t Dance” would probably be banned worldwide for hate speech.
But not the part about how goyim are livestock to be dominated, murdered, stolen from and judicial systems usurped in order to subdue them, or that raping 3 year olds is OK in the talmud right? Not those bits.
"Not interested in showing discord in THAT group."?
An unfortunate fact is that, above just about any other group (muslims likely second, and again generally), the tribe will defend the tribe.
Not much different to how I don't dislike muslims for that fact alone, but generally speaking the more in line with western values they are, the more the disparity with the religious texts. I don't care if someone wants to pray 5 times a day, but I do care about the segment whose sole purpose is to convert or kill.
Ultimately, when a group continuously finds themselves persecuted or exiled from most everywhere they have lived, there is probably more to the story.
In the same way there is always more to the story of "shitty bouncers" when they have been kicked out of the 5th bar that night.
Let's see here...either we have in our midst religious intolerant, ethnic bigoted, argumentative people here as pedes, or we have shills. If you generalize any group of people for any reason, you're an ignorant fool that has fallen for the divide and conquer gambit. The talk of Muslims, have you all met them? Have you spent several years in the Middle East and enjoyed their hospitality? Have you been to Africa and broken bread with the people there? In twenty years of international travel to about 43 countries, I have never had a bad experience with any of the common citizens. And yes, most of the countries are third world. The enemy is the people that seek power over others for their own gain. Know your enemy so that you may recognize your enemy and defeat them.
no good person ritually cuts their infant foreskin - or ritually tortures an animal to death for forgiveness of sins - or ritually murders Jesus - or anyone - that's a jew thing. it's disgusting
I realize your intent. I feel it is important to keep presenting this distinction, because it is so easy to blame a large group for the actions of a small subset; in fact it has plagued history. It is that action, of using the term "Jews" when what is meant is 0.001% of them (if any of them can really be called "Jewish" at all) that causes so many to be dissuaded from seeing the evidence.
nobody is fucking blaming the neighborhood kike of ruining the whole world - we're pointing out how the world schemes are derived by jewish bankers - grow the fuck up
Nobody goes this crazy semantic when it is Muslims or blacks or whites or gays or Catholics or Mormons or any other group. When Mitt Romney acts like an ass, people will happily talk shit about Mormons as a generality and everyone rolls with it. I know it sounds a lot harsher to the ear when it is “the Jews”, but isn’t that in and of itself pretty revealing?
There is literally a mainstream Hollywood movies called “White Men Can’t Jump”. A movie called “Jewish Women Can’t Dance” would probably be banned worldwide for hate speech.
If you want to know whose in control, look at who you aren't allowed to criticize.
Unfortunately, too many in that group act like the RINO's do to the GOP.
It would be nice to see more groups actually oppose rather than seething and reeing about anti-semitism.
Not interested in sowing discord in the group. I would like to bring everyone’s attention to the Bible and what it said about Canaanites.
Remember the owl at bohemian grove? It’s molech. Yeah, the same demon worshipped by Canaanites.
But not the part about how goyim are livestock to be dominated, murdered, stolen from and judicial systems usurped in order to subdue them, or that raping 3 year olds is OK in the talmud right? Not those bits.
"Not interested in showing discord in THAT group."?
An unfortunate fact is that, above just about any other group (muslims likely second, and again generally), the tribe will defend the tribe.
Not much different to how I don't dislike muslims for that fact alone, but generally speaking the more in line with western values they are, the more the disparity with the religious texts. I don't care if someone wants to pray 5 times a day, but I do care about the segment whose sole purpose is to convert or kill.
Ultimately, when a group continuously finds themselves persecuted or exiled from most everywhere they have lived, there is probably more to the story.
In the same way there is always more to the story of "shitty bouncers" when they have been kicked out of the 5th bar that night.
Yes of course , and that’s why most crimes are done by white people... oups
Let's see here...either we have in our midst religious intolerant, ethnic bigoted, argumentative people here as pedes, or we have shills. If you generalize any group of people for any reason, you're an ignorant fool that has fallen for the divide and conquer gambit. The talk of Muslims, have you all met them? Have you spent several years in the Middle East and enjoyed their hospitality? Have you been to Africa and broken bread with the people there? In twenty years of international travel to about 43 countries, I have never had a bad experience with any of the common citizens. And yes, most of the countries are third world. The enemy is the people that seek power over others for their own gain. Know your enemy so that you may recognize your enemy and defeat them.
no good person ritually cuts their infant foreskin - or ritually tortures an animal to death for forgiveness of sins - or ritually murders Jesus - or anyone - that's a jew thing. it's disgusting