I understand what they are supposed to be, but how did Mike get his hands on them? And how does he know what he has are legit?
To go along with that, does he have anyway of proving these are legit captures? or is that what this is supposed to prove?
You type your 5020th 'LOL' from mom's basement once again, post a random image.. No actual content.
Yet don't travel to SD to collect the easy 5 mil to finally move out of mom's basement.
Seems legit. Checks out.. (sorry your pedo world is crumbling down around you)
"Posting like a faggot" would be nothing more than providing the most basic three letters of 'LOL'. It is the most minimalistic, laziest form of doing the most absolute next to nothing, possible. You are of the degenerate movement that thinks 'LOL' is an argument.
You may try to pretend to act like an ally in this fight. But you give your position away easily. If you have something worth while, speak it. Or get off the pot.
If you were truely drawn to Lindell and these three days.. spit it out, or get off the pot.
If you are unimpressed with Lindell today, and the last 9 months, you factually wouldn't be here now. Not given your short, and obvious post history. You are only here to try and stop the the unstopable drain flow. Not working.
There are millions here to learn more or observe for the first time. They post nothing but learn. Your past, useless posts are logged. You tried to be stealth for brief minute. But the good people here will sniff you out and act accordingly.
I stand by my, sorry your degenerate community is threatened by true Americans finally waking up. There is truth here if you wish to wake up. There is no judgement here on past decisions made.
Go earn your 5 million then, son.
All else is just bullshit, then. (hows my english?)
I like how you don't think "shit or get off the pot" isn't the most American thing ever.
It is inconceivable that the pcaps under discussion here were not encrypted. The fact that Mike has them likely means whomever obtained them had access to the cryptographic keys involved. If so, then it is effectively impossible that they were altered. Faking them would also be effectively impossible. Consider them as safe and certain as your digital banking activity. Therefore, your criticisms are a bit wrongheaded. Regardless, mocking laughter is a form of logical fallacy and makes you look like a jackass. You should always strive to treat others with respect, how I'm sure you would like to be treated, yourself.
I vote jacksass.
Not sure if this is going through dominion though so we'll see.
I only meant it as constructive criticism. If we allow ourselves to break decorum, often chaos follows. Sure, it can be fun to cut loose from time to time, but you have to consider the cost.
I also suspect there may be some highly secret means to break these various encryptions and whatnot, but it is certainly not common or e-commerce and banking wouldn't be possible anymore.
It is fine to disagree, even good! I was just trying to encourage more respectful interaction and pointing out where things kinda went off the rails. It's all good, tho :) We can unite against evil and argue about the minor differences after! :D
Have a good night!