3 Year Delta. Relates to FCC Telecommunication Act. Coincidence along with today’s Emergency “TEST”? There ARE NO COINCIDENCES!!!
11-Aug-2018 1:23:43 PM EDT
138 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telecommunications_Act_of_1996 https://www.fcc.gov/general/telecommunications-act-1996 [BC set the stage] [Plan] Could a new Telecommunications Act be on the way? Q
I’m of the opinion that the ancient Illuminati was working as far back as Council of Nicaea. If that’s a heretical statement...FINE. From what I’ve read they’ve been doing evil deeds since Mesopotamia. Hey, satan was first written about where? Adam & Eve.
Yes possibly. The Fall of The Cabal discussed much of that as did the book Holy Blood, Holy Grail.
I gotta watch that all again. I haven’t read that book though. 👍🏽
Yes The Fall of The Cabal and her new series that goes more in depth is great. And you should read Holy Blood, Holy Grail. It was the book that also lead to The Divinchi Code book and movie.
I will, thanks 👍🏽 Keep in mind I’ve heard some negativity surrounding Dan Brown the author of DaVinci Code(?). I have no sauce, but I recall hearing (something) out there besides the following; I DO KNOW, however, he now lives about a mile from where I grew up and the locals there say he’s not only a recluse (which is fine)...but when confronted in public (autograph etc) he’s a major prick and acts like he hates people. Who else hates people? Cabal luciferians. So yeah he writes entertaining books, but aren’t they kinda heretical? I’ve read a couple other accounts & another book about Jesus’ “bloodline”, but isn’t that heresy?
Evil goes back to the garden, for sure. When he fell, he took 1/3 of the angels with him. They didn't just sit around waiting for the 1300s. They've been creating cults and false religions the whole time.
Yes. I always find fascinating how much of the Bible is encoded, as is Torah. For instance, supposedly 1/3 of the Angels followed satan or were removed by God. Supposedly 200. I’ve heard demonologists say that your average demon may or may not have been one of the original group. Many say it’s an analogous number and there are millions of demons. I’m not really a qualified occultist but for those atheists out there, you gotta understand that the cabal BELIEVES 💯 percent in their religion?!! Our only strength and power derives from our Faith in The Father; The Creator ONE God.