Is It Making Sense Yet? "All People will Require Reproductive Assistance by 2045"
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I respect the sentiment that “we have already won.”
People like you are amazing to have around when my confidence is impacted, spiritually, when I see environmental toxicity directly impacting people - and the Virtue Signallimg crowd literally %100 shit down when the subject is broached.
One has to honestly spend a bit of time contemplating how thorough the PSYOP has been when we see the double-thinkers so thoroughly programmed as to shutdown when we leave their mental ghettos.
The average 25 year old I know can’t have kids.
The commonality of Nuerological Developmental Disorders is staggering alone. Look at the proliferation of Autism. Heavy metal toxicity and other contaminated scenarios make it very hard for me to feel as if I am winning or already won.
I don’t want to doom.
I want to call out the problems I see and live through with an autistic kid.
They’re fucking this entire planet up with heavy metals and other things - and it’s staggering
Have you detoxed the metals and toxins out of your child?
We are using something called Passive Chelation due to her age. She is still a young child and her condition is extremely affected by things like preservatives & foods. For example any processed flours lead to very bad outcomes and we have also isolated various preservatives that have extremely disruptive outcomes ( TBHQ being one ).
We are using COSEVA TRS and have seen some astounding improvements. She had zero speech now does. The entire family is doing the treatment. The effect for me was staggering - my eyes actually changed color and I started metabolizing food better and saw a dramatic increase to cognitive function.
Interesting. I’m weary of coseva because they have an MLM structure—generally those companies are scams.
How long have you been using it?
I felt the same way.
Been 14 months or so now.
The structure made me skeptical as well.
We have tried a few other similar products and hands down they were not as well made and we did not see the same results.
That’s great!
It’s really neat.
She’s a goofy kid. Makes a lot of jokes. She’s in there and she’s brilliant.
Passive chelation has promise for many cases, praying for you all. Dr Judy Mikovits has spoken about Suramin showing benefits for autism, which is easy to get: dandelion leaf tea, pine needle tea. I think I first heard it mentioned in Plandemic, one of the things that was hidden because they don't want cures and only treatments that would bet a lot of profit.
A better than average film about this topic is Dark Waters. I don't care for Ruffalo's politics but the story is about how it was found out how most of the human race is contaminated with the chemicals and compounds that make teflon.
There are multiple ways to detox and maintain health even in the midst of these toxins. Break free from the idea that you are helpless and take matters into your own hands.