WHOA! an antivax ad on fakebook. Interesting.
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Anyone know if its still up? If it stays up it will be interesting.
So this made me check out Facebook today. I'm seeing a lot of stop socialists, stop granting illegal immigrants, stop joe Biden crime family stuff from paid sponsorships.
Whitehats maybe?
Ads have to go though an approval process so this is very surprising
I think they did a correction of a typo... was suppose to say " MEDICAL HONOR"
I'm surprised this one got past Zuck...
Operation wakeup in action
wont stay up long..........
Surprised its lasted l9ng enough to be seen by anybody.
Important side note: Hiroshima was firebombed to hell, not nuked. The famous mushroom cloud was smoke from a firestorm.
Trains began running from Hiroshima within a month, and a group of Jesuits lived throughout the whole ordeal on ground zero.
The evidence about Nagasaki is even more shaky and changed decade to decade.
What does this imply? Nukes are just a boogeyman?
Nukes are country-ending blackmail. Uranium One = 9/11
The post is in reference to the vax'd deaths, not covid deaths.
It doesn't say death by covid, it says death by covid vaccine.