Almost as black as that evil bitches ‘soul’ ...that case still makes me sick to my stomach (and in no small part bc of how STUPID the jury and general public were).
Absolutely. Idk how he hasn’t offed himself since for going along with it (even letting the animal blame him for some). And idc about ‘choosing between your child/wife and granddaughter’...once that monster did what she did, she’s forfeited her humanity and right to call herself my daughter, and if my wife backed her up- they both deserve eternal shame and justice. This case will always hit a special nerve with me
No offense but I thought memes were supposed to be pretty obvious...which is the whole point of a meme. Even after thinking it through I don't get how this is relevant to us today. Hey, maybe it's just me.
Geez, I like me some edgy memes...but damn son KEK 😅
As far as dark humor goes, this is Vantablack.
Almost as black as that evil bitches ‘soul’ ...that case still makes me sick to my stomach (and in no small part bc of how STUPID the jury and general public were).
The child was SO adorable...I agree...sick to my stomach.
The parents helped her get off, especially the mother. I think her father would have turned her in but the wife stopped him.
Absolutely. Idk how he hasn’t offed himself since for going along with it (even letting the animal blame him for some). And idc about ‘choosing between your child/wife and granddaughter’...once that monster did what she did, she’s forfeited her humanity and right to call herself my daughter, and if my wife backed her up- they both deserve eternal shame and justice. This case will always hit a special nerve with me
I don't get it...why a picture of Casey Anthony?
yep... so our plans are dead and rotting in the trunk of the car while mommy Delta parties in the clubs.
I wouldn't have recognized this person and I needed to research why she's (in)famous.
That being said...dark. Very dark, but accurate.
Think it through.
No offense but I thought memes were supposed to be pretty obvious...which is the whole point of a meme. Even after thinking it through I don't get how this is relevant to us today. Hey, maybe it's just me.
Begin here
So these are supposed to be funny...the link helps explain it. This just goes to show the left can't meme.
Delta killed his is this that hard to understand???
Casey Anthony is a religious figure to you?
And this is supposed to be funny to boot.
No, just no. Not now not evee