Glad to see a shill suggesting our military should be tried in a globalist NWO court of "law".
Our military moves on the command of its commander. The Plan doesn't move on your schedule or according to your very limited understanding of the greater whole.
I would offer that those who fundamentally disagree with the tenets of the The Plan and The Storm are not morally aligned with either. If the milk of human compassion in you runs freely towards those guilty of treason, you need not waste Donald J. Trump's time. He is well aware that many of you have this feeling. All of his successes have come in the face of such timid milk sops in his own party.
It seems like arresting criminals before the crime is safer than handing them the nuclear codes are reins of the economy but maybe they weren't involved yet back then.
Maybe true, but doubting and not knowing is "not knowing". Me, I hope he doesn't have the codes, he might just punch them in while trying to order his latte on line while the case is open.
If the military had the goods and sat on it this long causing this much collateral damage, they would be on trial at Nuremberg 2.0 as well.
Glad to see a shill suggesting our military should be tried in a globalist NWO court of "law".
Our military moves on the command of its commander. The Plan doesn't move on your schedule or according to your very limited understanding of the greater whole.
Some of us have eyes to see the shedding of innocent blood that seems to be part of the plan. And we object.
This does not make us shills. It means we have sympathy and empathy for our fellow man and think that murdering people is bad.
And, we think those who claim to have it all and claim to be in control have moral obligations.
It's clear to me that many of us are figuring this out. We SHOULD be telling Q, MI and Trump that we don't like it and they have culpability in this.
What have I said that is not true?
I would offer that those who fundamentally disagree with the tenets of the The Plan and The Storm are not morally aligned with either. If the milk of human compassion in you runs freely towards those guilty of treason, you need not waste Donald J. Trump's time. He is well aware that many of you have this feeling. All of his successes have come in the face of such timid milk sops in his own party.
Not if the reason they have for sitting on the evidence is to prevent an all out war. They'd be saving lives.
It seems like arresting criminals before the crime is safer than handing them the nuclear codes are reins of the economy but maybe they weren't involved yet back then.
I doubt very much Biden has the nuclear codes.
Maybe true, but doubting and not knowing is "not knowing". Me, I hope he doesn't have the codes, he might just punch them in while trying to order his latte on line while the case is open.
"when the time is right". Well put, RealQ. The time that is right is not the time that each of us individually thinks it should be.
I grieve because so many anons are falling. They have given up hope because they selfishly look at things through their own small lenses.
Without faith, we will never reap the rewards that are coming!
We’ll see