Nor I, but for me that was when dinosaurs roamed the earth and we had to get up and go over to the TV to change the channel. I will concede that the proper form of scientific method might still be taught in some schools, but it should be difficult to keep to it when honest inquiry is limited by theories that are presented as fact. Everything is framed by the theories establishment scientific community regards as fact. That is justified when a theory is abundantly proven, like the theories regarding electromagnetism have been. It is not justified when a theory is not proven. The Big Bang is a relevant example. The theory gets in more trouble every year from better observation and better deductive science that increasingly challenges its basic tenets. They are trying to save the theory when they come up with ridiculous things like pre-existing magnetic fields that cannot exist by themselves apart from an electric field and dark matter that can never be seen, measured, or tested. It's the epicycles the ancient Greeks invented to account for the crazy motions of the planets all over again. They were invested in a theory, too, and they were trying to save it. My point is that this framing itself leads some scientists into the error of trying to prove what they have been taught is the truth.
While this is true, I (and most other people probably) learned that this is NOT science when I was in grade school.
Nor I, but for me that was when dinosaurs roamed the earth and we had to get up and go over to the TV to change the channel. I will concede that the proper form of scientific method might still be taught in some schools, but it should be difficult to keep to it when honest inquiry is limited by theories that are presented as fact. Everything is framed by the theories establishment scientific community regards as fact. That is justified when a theory is abundantly proven, like the theories regarding electromagnetism have been. It is not justified when a theory is not proven. The Big Bang is a relevant example. The theory gets in more trouble every year from better observation and better deductive science that increasingly challenges its basic tenets. They are trying to save the theory when they come up with ridiculous things like pre-existing magnetic fields that cannot exist by themselves apart from an electric field and dark matter that can never be seen, measured, or tested. It's the epicycles the ancient Greeks invented to account for the crazy motions of the planets all over again. They were invested in a theory, too, and they were trying to save it. My point is that this framing itself leads some scientists into the error of trying to prove what they have been taught is the truth.