This time he will be fine, the point is it was behind my back, next time she will give him a test for runny nose, then another, at what point will it no longer be fine? I did try to talk to her, she just yells at me at this point. We went to therapy a few years ago. If we go now, 100% the therapist will side with her because i am just a crazy conspiracy nut. I will just get pissed off and she will just tell me how right she is and everyone is onnher side. I cant talk to her one on one because she didnt listen since this shit started, she wont listen now. I have to wait till this covid shit is deemed a farse. Then we can sit down and talk. Until then, i am just a lunatic.
Any chance at finding a lawyer or some sort of action that the court dictates for medical? Some parents have agreements that state both parents need to consent to medical. Idk if its a farce. Your woman sounds awful. I am so sorry. Its the kids that makes things difficult. I will pray for them.
Maybe go to a therapist, address this issue maintaining extreme calm, bating her into a fit if name calling rage. I did this with my wife, along w sharing proof that the government allows(promotes) msm to publish propaganda. The therapist had no choice but to point out that her responses were emotional and out of control, while I was calmly presenting factual information in a respectful way. They use increments to get us here, it'll probably take increments to undo the damage.
Ive been fortunate. My kids are grown and while my youngest, always my baby girl but 34 now, leans left, the rest of my family and my extended family is at least at some point on the conservative spectrum. Im Irish Catholic so that covers a pretty fair amount of people lol.
But I can feel your pain. I have friends whose families have been decimated by this. To me, family is one lifes greatest joys and one of its most important foundations.
Dammit man I understand where you’re coming from, really sorry to hear. Can only do so much when the other half doesn’t listen. Vent all you want here anytime, I hope it helps a little bit just typing it out. My wife’s parents have a blm sign in their yard, they keep pressuring us to get vaccinated but thank goodness she at least recognizes that none of what has been happening makes any sense at all. She’s not as based in terms of Trump support as I’d like, but I still consider myself very fortunate. Best of luck to you and your family.
This time he will be fine, the point is it was behind my back, next time she will give him a test for runny nose, then another, at what point will it no longer be fine? I did try to talk to her, she just yells at me at this point. We went to therapy a few years ago. If we go now, 100% the therapist will side with her because i am just a crazy conspiracy nut. I will just get pissed off and she will just tell me how right she is and everyone is onnher side. I cant talk to her one on one because she didnt listen since this shit started, she wont listen now. I have to wait till this covid shit is deemed a farse. Then we can sit down and talk. Until then, i am just a lunatic.
Any chance at finding a lawyer or some sort of action that the court dictates for medical? Some parents have agreements that state both parents need to consent to medical. Idk if its a farce. Your woman sounds awful. I am so sorry. Its the kids that makes things difficult. I will pray for them.
They need all the help they can right now. Thankyou
Maybe go to a therapist, address this issue maintaining extreme calm, bating her into a fit if name calling rage. I did this with my wife, along w sharing proof that the government allows(promotes) msm to publish propaganda. The therapist had no choice but to point out that her responses were emotional and out of control, while I was calmly presenting factual information in a respectful way. They use increments to get us here, it'll probably take increments to undo the damage.
Therapist is just gonna say im crazy cause i dont believe the narrative
Id poinbt blank ask her if she got him the shot. She may have only told you the tip of the iceberg.
9 months old. Hes not eligible thank god.
Ill pray for your family brother.
Ive been fortunate. My kids are grown and while my youngest, always my baby girl but 34 now, leans left, the rest of my family and my extended family is at least at some point on the conservative spectrum. Im Irish Catholic so that covers a pretty fair amount of people lol.
But I can feel your pain. I have friends whose families have been decimated by this. To me, family is one lifes greatest joys and one of its most important foundations.
Dammit man I understand where you’re coming from, really sorry to hear. Can only do so much when the other half doesn’t listen. Vent all you want here anytime, I hope it helps a little bit just typing it out. My wife’s parents have a blm sign in their yard, they keep pressuring us to get vaccinated but thank goodness she at least recognizes that none of what has been happening makes any sense at all. She’s not as based in terms of Trump support as I’d like, but I still consider myself very fortunate. Best of luck to you and your family.