*OCCUPIED TERRITORY* Remember 11.11? Q flagged chapter 11 of the Law of War so many times, but me and so many others couldn't see the reference. Thanks to MAJIC EYES QNLY's calm, straightforward decode channel, it's all become so clear. DIG IN, patriots! (See post's CONTEXT for link to Rumble!)
🔍 Notable

Wait, it's been confirmed somewhere that there are 250k Chinese troops in America?
Last I heard about a week ago 325,000 within various universities and colleges.
And how many more could just walk in through our southern border anytime they please.
You mean those weak armed skinny BMW drivers that speed around campus and wear overpriced clothing?
Yeah I don't think they'll be protecting anyone.
Appearing weak when they are strong?
Nah, appearing weak because they are. I knew several like that when I worked at a university. All about their expensive cars, phones and computers. Also; noodle arms.
Well they don't fight like us