I don't understand. If you do that, the injured side still must bear some weight. If you put the crutch on the injured side, you can keep off of it more easily.
When you have it on the opposite side of the injured leg, you can lean into the crutch, which takes more weight of of your busted foot. If it was on the same side, it wouldn't relieve the pressure as much. Source: I broke a leg once.
Yeah I thought it looked weird too, but I looked it up and using a crutch like that is an actual thing. https://www.wikihow.com/Walk-With-One-Crutch
I don't understand. If you do that, the injured side still must bear some weight. If you put the crutch on the injured side, you can keep off of it more easily.
When you have it on the opposite side of the injured leg, you can lean into the crutch, which takes more weight of of your busted foot. If it was on the same side, it wouldn't relieve the pressure as much. Source: I broke a leg once.
Yeah and it is not even october 31st...