The CIA was training the Original Taliban back when they were the good guys fighting the Soviets and we called them Mujahadeen. Since the Carter Administration.
It's easier for Getty Images to get their unemployed actor buddy roommate to dress up in Tailiban gear from Goodwill and pretend to take photos in a vacant lot than it is to go all the way to Afghanistan and infiltrate terrorist groups who want to behead Americans and Westerners and suspect everyone of being a spy...
Guys who have been fighting guerilla war non-stop for 40 years are probably smart enough not to shoot off their own feet by using crappy trigger-discipline.
I agree with you, it just shows they know how to hold a gun. It doesn't really have anything to do with the CIA. I'm saying you have to go back a long long time if you want any "pre-CIA Taliban" and those guys would be like 70 or 80 years old now.
We'll see. If the "new Taliban" doesn't destroy the opium fields, we'll know they're controlled by the CIA.
The CIA was training the Original Taliban back when they were the good guys fighting the Soviets and we called them Mujahadeen. Since the Carter Administration.
It's easier for Getty Images to get their unemployed actor buddy roommate to dress up in Tailiban gear from Goodwill and pretend to take photos in a vacant lot than it is to go all the way to Afghanistan and infiltrate terrorist groups who want to behead Americans and Westerners and suspect everyone of being a spy...
Guys who have been fighting guerilla war non-stop for 40 years are probably smart enough not to shoot off their own feet by using crappy trigger-discipline.
I agree with you, it just shows they know how to hold a gun. It doesn't really have anything to do with the CIA. I'm saying you have to go back a long long time if you want any "pre-CIA Taliban" and those guys would be like 70 or 80 years old now.
you guys are missing the point
yup, the trigger finger makes the best safety
Trigger discipline. One of the first things one learns when training with firearms (if the trainer is worth a shit)
As a group, the current ones seem younger and cleaner.
Look into now running the taliban.
Took them.forever to get that shit right.
Am I seeing Trigger discipline?
Or the Russians.
Mullah big balls:
The internet at large:
yup we're fucked
What are the chances of THIS?! There are no coincidences. Good find pede!
Our TAX dollars at work. I'm sure trained Muslim fanatics with our weapons will turn out well....good lord
Honestly, better Taliban than the US LGBT globohomo child diddlers.
Sad and true
I now know the difference. Noted. Thank you.
Curious and relevant.
OK so the unbelievably evil CIA taught the unbelievably evil Taliban proper trigger discipline
Boy, talk about digging and scraping to find the silver lining