Oh man. As someone who’s completed a war time contract... it tickles me shitless to think of a draft swallowing a bunch of leftists that wanted all of this.
The military provides day care. No reason not to. They all want equality, after all. Their Facebook and Twitter feeds will show where they should be stationed, ya know? Anti American is front line.
Deserters should be forced to charge head first into MG nests. Take the nest and you're forgiven. Also, don't forget about everyone on the other 7219839 genders.
they don't need them anymore now that they have full control over elections. All they care about now is depopulation, and war will only help that goal. The left were always the useless idiots of the cabal.
Conscription should focus on diversity to foster the pride of military service across our oppressed cultures and communities. We will deploy a massive coalition force of Muslim Americans, migrant refugees, and members of the strong, brave LGBTQAPZJ++ community to deliver the USA a resounding and lasting victory on all fronts.
Do it the way Israel does, conscription at 18, both genders
Oh man. As someone who’s completed a war time contract... it tickles me shitless to think of a draft swallowing a bunch of leftists that wanted all of this.
Draft girls? Want to see a baby boom? Cause draft papers will be the new aphrodisiac. Unless that Clot Shot made them all sterile.
The military provides day care. No reason not to. They all want equality, after all. Their Facebook and Twitter feeds will show where they should be stationed, ya know? Anti American is front line.
That actually does scare me Bc I’m a mom with 2 littles 😬
me too
Hugs momma. You’re not alone
Me too. Very into traditional roles too. i don't even like taking the trash out and these bitches wanna be drafted???
Apologies, totally read that wrong, as in A cups..."Bc I'm mom with 2 "littles"...gotcha 😉
Deserters should be forced to charge head first into MG nests. Take the nest and you're forgiven. Also, don't forget about everyone on the other 7219839 genders.
Send in the non binary rainbow m249's!
I prefer a woman who has the face to launch a thousand ships, not sink 'em...but, I'm ol school
Killing off the next generations of Americans by abortion and now before they are even conceived.
That would be a very losing strategy. What women do you think they would be drafting their new demographic or the old demographic?
they don't need them anymore now that they have full control over elections. All they care about now is depopulation, and war will only help that goal. The left were always the useless idiots of the cabal.
Conscription should focus on diversity to foster the pride of military service across our oppressed cultures and communities. We will deploy a massive coalition force of Muslim Americans, migrant refugees, and members of the strong, brave LGBTQAPZJ++ community to deliver the USA a resounding and lasting victory on all fronts.
Means we would get drafted too. Fuck that. I’m no rich mans pawn