the problem with this is, nobody is taking responsibility.
We see pictures of the president's backside. Yeah, good riddance
Silly witch claims "don't pin it on me" Not a good look for a VP, just saying.
Bai-den claims the buck stops with him, (I'm sure it does. Mt Bigguy.)
Then blames stupid goatherders and Trump. "Oh yezzz"
Kamala left the country rather than attend the joke of a speech. Psaki went on vacation rather than answer questions. Nobody's going to jump on this grenade for Biden. Nobody.
Getting some real Big Fuhrerbunker Energy from the "big guy" right now.
Yes we will you are a democrat and a POS
Kamala did it. It's her fault.
the problem with this is, nobody is taking responsibility. We see pictures of the president's backside. Yeah, good riddance Silly witch claims "don't pin it on me" Not a good look for a VP, just saying. Bai-den claims the buck stops with him, (I'm sure it does. Mt Bigguy.) Then blames stupid goatherders and Trump. "Oh yezzz"
McEnany It is time, methinks.
Kamala left the country rather than attend the joke of a speech. Psaki went on vacation rather than answer questions. Nobody's going to jump on this grenade for Biden. Nobody.
Getting some real Big Fuhrerbunker Energy from the "big guy" right now.
No mean tweets though.
as all this shit hits the fan we are going to get 2 turds with one flush
What 👆said.
Hey! She's your next POTUS buddy! How about you show some respect! /s
I am showing her respect. The respect she deserves