Regardless of whether this happens or not, winter storms happen, tornadoes happen, earthquakes happen, flooding happens. There are tons of reasons to keep excess supplies at the house other than some political happenings.
Been stocking up for while even though my husband thinks I'm crazy. Canned goods, dry goods and water. Probably grab a few more things in the next week. I only buy what I know we'd eat in any event, and it gives me peace of mind if nothing else.
Glad to see your husband thinks you are crazy too. Every time I bring home another case of water for him to put in the outside fridge, he just makes fun of me.
It's pretty amazing how much food you can buy, when it's canned, for $200! One thing I need to get is regular stuff like toothpaste, moutwash, floss, soap, etc. I think people tend to concentrate on food when it comes to survival supplies, but you really need a lot of other stuff too (especially toilet paper :) )
My husband likes to mention it to his friends and even some of our neighbors how we have food and other supplies stocked up. I told him later not to do that anymore. You never know what people might do when desperate.
Exactly! And you also have to face the possibility they will show up at your door, a week or two into an event that would require such supplies, and act all pitiful and play on your guilt to share, and then, what do you do? Although I haven't told anyone we are stocked up, I'm thinking of putting a sign on our door, if it comes to it, with a note that has something like, "We are not answering the door for anyone. We wish you the best in dealing with our current situation. If you need water, you can take some from the pool" (and maybe I'll put a bucket next to the pool :) )
I’m gonna help and assist all neighbors or anyone that comes to my door. It’s the Christian thing to do. If we ever had a chance at rebuilding a world where peace reigns, how can we start off with selfishness?
Someone mentioned Noah in this thread. Remember how he practically begged to warn others and help people? Never turned anyone away. He believed what God had told him, and feared God’s wrath. And fought till the worlds end/beginning to help others. God closed the doors to the ark. So unless your homes door cannot be opened, I would advise to help others. As long as you can.
Exactly. The neighbors all laugh, but you lose nothing by having some stuff stored away which you can use if nothing happens.
Regardless of whether this happens or not, winter storms happen, tornadoes happen, earthquakes happen, flooding happens. There are tons of reasons to keep excess supplies at the house other than some political happenings.
Been stocking up for while even though my husband thinks I'm crazy. Canned goods, dry goods and water. Probably grab a few more things in the next week. I only buy what I know we'd eat in any event, and it gives me peace of mind if nothing else.
Glad to see your husband thinks you are crazy too. Every time I bring home another case of water for him to put in the outside fridge, he just makes fun of me.
Right? I'm surprised my husband finds me amusing since he's very red pilled in general. Oh well, I just say nothing and shove it into the pantry.
my wife thinks i buy too much. she thinks you should only get one extra of something.
It's pretty amazing how much food you can buy, when it's canned, for $200! One thing I need to get is regular stuff like toothpaste, moutwash, floss, soap, etc. I think people tend to concentrate on food when it comes to survival supplies, but you really need a lot of other stuff too (especially toilet paper :) )
You don't want your neighbors to know you are stocked up! (you really don't want anyone to know you are stocked up)
My husband likes to mention it to his friends and even some of our neighbors how we have food and other supplies stocked up. I told him later not to do that anymore. You never know what people might do when desperate.
Exactly! And you also have to face the possibility they will show up at your door, a week or two into an event that would require such supplies, and act all pitiful and play on your guilt to share, and then, what do you do? Although I haven't told anyone we are stocked up, I'm thinking of putting a sign on our door, if it comes to it, with a note that has something like, "We are not answering the door for anyone. We wish you the best in dealing with our current situation. If you need water, you can take some from the pool" (and maybe I'll put a bucket next to the pool :) )
I’m gonna help and assist all neighbors or anyone that comes to my door. It’s the Christian thing to do. If we ever had a chance at rebuilding a world where peace reigns, how can we start off with selfishness?
Someone mentioned Noah in this thread. Remember how he practically begged to warn others and help people? Never turned anyone away. He believed what God had told him, and feared God’s wrath. And fought till the worlds end/beginning to help others. God closed the doors to the ark. So unless your homes door cannot be opened, I would advise to help others. As long as you can.
The neighbors laughed at Noah, too, but that didn't age well, either.