I am being provocative. My point is that if you believe the Earth is a sphere it should be easy to prove that. So please do that.
Heh. Easier said than done.
This is why I say that I am not a Flat Earther. But I also cannot proooooove a spherical Earth. Certainly the moon in my sky looks like a sphere, so perhaps that helps. But is it? Lol. This stuff is maddening.
Then need to prove spherical Earth orbits Sol (our Sun).
Then need to explain spherical Earth's spin. (Why, How, etc.).
Then need to explain spherical Earth's elliptical orbit around Sol, and why this is stable. (Or is it not stable?)
Then need to explain why centripetal force does not apply to that which is in our atmosphere (e.g. you do not fly off into space. OK. "Gravity", right? So ... it should be easy to prove, then. :))
Need to address whether Sol moves or not, and how, and where we're going, etc.
Need to explain how a backwater Sol and planet (Earth) developed this level of life. Is this normal and common? Or not normal and not common.
I am not per se laying all of this at your feet telling you you need to really do all of this. What I mean to do is to point out that the stories you've been told might not actually "hold up" and creating responses to the questions above that are fully backed by science is a FUCK OF A LOT HARDER than you might think.
Or a lot easier if you simply learned some science and its history.
Spherical Earth: the recession of the horizon with altitude; only way to reconcile known geographic exploration of land masses. It helps to see examples in the nearby planets (especially Mars) and Moon.
Earth orbits Sun: We measure the parallax of nearby stars to determine that we are doing the moving and not the Sun. (Galileo didn't have this to prove his heliocentric theory.)
Earth spins: Duh! Because it does and we measure it by reference to the fixed stars.
Elliptical Orbit: Detailed astronomic measurements of distance from Sun and velocity of movement. Better explanation than circular orbits with epicycles.
Centripetal force: It's called gravity. We measure it. You are confusing it with centrifugal force, which is outward. Centrifugal force is overwhelmed by gravity, but still results in an equatorial bulge. When circular velocity is high enough, we can go into orbit. Artificial satellites.
The Sun moves with respect to the galactic center (astronomic measurements).
Why is there life? ....It would help if you get a life. Read the Bible or make up your own theory.
It seems you took my post as me stating that I believe in the Flat Earth. When clearly I wrote that I do not believe it. I just enjoy it as an idea. Please tone down the "you're an idiot" stuff, and work on reading comprehension. Please.
These questions I wrote are the questions that a Flat Earther will bring up. Your answers are decent, but do not take into account a Flat Earther's world view. Saying that the Earth spins because the stars move is "easily refuted" by someone who thinks the world is a disc and the stars rotate around it.
And saying that the Earth spins "because it does" is not an answer. Lazy.
Perhaps my favorite real world example that the Earth spins is the Coriolis Effect, and anyone can check it for themselves, with a rifle and a target that is far enough away. Indeed one can use the Coriolis Effect, a rifle and a target to prove the direction of spin as well. Assuming one agrees that there is North, South, East and West. :)
There is life perhaps because somebody or someone put us here. Or perhaps enough proto-molecules bashed up against enough rocks enough times to make a protein, and then blah blah blah presto ... ape with spear. I am more partial to the "we are in an experiment" camp, and whether the entity who created this is YHWH of the Burning Bush or Mister Mxyzptlk, it is most likely not for me to know, or even unknowable. The Lord works in mysterious ways.
OK I will play.
PROVE to me the spherical Earth.
I am being provocative. My point is that if you believe the Earth is a sphere it should be easy to prove that. So please do that.
Heh. Easier said than done.
This is why I say that I am not a Flat Earther. But I also cannot proooooove a spherical Earth. Certainly the moon in my sky looks like a sphere, so perhaps that helps. But is it? Lol. This stuff is maddening.
I should add:
Need to prove spherical Earth.
Then need to prove spherical Earth orbits Sol (our Sun).
Then need to explain spherical Earth's spin. (Why, How, etc.).
Then need to explain spherical Earth's elliptical orbit around Sol, and why this is stable. (Or is it not stable?)
Then need to explain why centripetal force does not apply to that which is in our atmosphere (e.g. you do not fly off into space. OK. "Gravity", right? So ... it should be easy to prove, then. :))
Need to address whether Sol moves or not, and how, and where we're going, etc.
Need to explain how a backwater Sol and planet (Earth) developed this level of life. Is this normal and common? Or not normal and not common.
I am not per se laying all of this at your feet telling you you need to really do all of this. What I mean to do is to point out that the stories you've been told might not actually "hold up" and creating responses to the questions above that are fully backed by science is a FUCK OF A LOT HARDER than you might think.
Or a lot easier if you simply learned some science and its history.
Spherical Earth: the recession of the horizon with altitude; only way to reconcile known geographic exploration of land masses. It helps to see examples in the nearby planets (especially Mars) and Moon.
Earth orbits Sun: We measure the parallax of nearby stars to determine that we are doing the moving and not the Sun. (Galileo didn't have this to prove his heliocentric theory.)
Earth spins: Duh! Because it does and we measure it by reference to the fixed stars.
Elliptical Orbit: Detailed astronomic measurements of distance from Sun and velocity of movement. Better explanation than circular orbits with epicycles.
Centripetal force: It's called gravity. We measure it. You are confusing it with centrifugal force, which is outward. Centrifugal force is overwhelmed by gravity, but still results in an equatorial bulge. When circular velocity is high enough, we can go into orbit. Artificial satellites.
The Sun moves with respect to the galactic center (astronomic measurements).
Why is there life? ....It would help if you get a life. Read the Bible or make up your own theory.
Why here? Why not?
It seems you took my post as me stating that I believe in the Flat Earth. When clearly I wrote that I do not believe it. I just enjoy it as an idea. Please tone down the "you're an idiot" stuff, and work on reading comprehension. Please.
These questions I wrote are the questions that a Flat Earther will bring up. Your answers are decent, but do not take into account a Flat Earther's world view. Saying that the Earth spins because the stars move is "easily refuted" by someone who thinks the world is a disc and the stars rotate around it.
And saying that the Earth spins "because it does" is not an answer. Lazy.
Perhaps my favorite real world example that the Earth spins is the Coriolis Effect, and anyone can check it for themselves, with a rifle and a target that is far enough away. Indeed one can use the Coriolis Effect, a rifle and a target to prove the direction of spin as well. Assuming one agrees that there is North, South, East and West. :)
There is life perhaps because somebody or someone put us here. Or perhaps enough proto-molecules bashed up against enough rocks enough times to make a protein, and then blah blah blah presto ... ape with spear. I am more partial to the "we are in an experiment" camp, and whether the entity who created this is YHWH of the Burning Bush or Mister Mxyzptlk, it is most likely not for me to know, or even unknowable. The Lord works in mysterious ways.