It sounds like Trump is now beginning to publicly cast some doubt on the vaccines. He's starting cautiously, by questioning the booster shots, but I suspect (hope) that he will be slowly ramping up the questioning and criticism going forward, from here on out.
I didn't find her voice difficult but she has that habit, and there's a name for it but I don't remember what it is, of dropping the end of certain words. She kept saying patent but it came out pah-ent. I've heard other people do that too. It's probably a California thing. Like, didn't becomes di-int. But the info she gave was great, so hopefully we all can overlook that.
Ebonics gave us that. Every time I hear it from my kids, I correct them and make them say it correctly. They almost never mispronounce their words now.
It’s pretty common with Utah and Idaho accents.
Mountains becomes “moun’ns”.