I started researching Covid in more depth a few weeks ago. I came across some very interesting things. Unfortunately, I've been super busy the past couple of weeks and have not been able to do any further research. Here are some highlights of what I have found, and some preliminary conclusions:
- Hypoxia and/or Hypoxemia are at the core of the problem
- Hypoxia is a low level of oxygen in the body, and deprives the tissues of oxygen, which over time will kill the organs, and eventually the person
- Hypoxemia is low oxygen level in the blood, specifically
- Humans breath air in through the nose and mouth
- The air contains oxygen, and the body processes this air so that oxygen gets to the lungs
- Blood circulates through the lungs
- This blood includes hemoglobin, which picks up oxygen molecules and carries them out of the lungs and throughout the body to the various tissues
- Wearing a face mask reduces the intake of oxygen, resulting in less oxygen in the lungs
- Less oxygen in the lungs means there will be less oxygen carried to the rest of the body by the blood (hypoxemia), which can result in low oxygen levels in the entire body (hypoxia)
- Protein S is a blood protein that acts as an anticoagulant in the blood; a person who has a Protein S deficiency will have a higher amount of blood clots
- Protein S levels appear to be dependent on levels of Vitamin K
- A Vitamin K deficiency causes low Protein S, which causes blood clots
- There is a potential problem here, though, because there are 2 kinds of Vitamin K: both K1 and K2
- I have not had time to research whether Protein S is dependent on K1 or K2 or a combination
- This could be important because sources of K1 come from plant foods, while sources of K2 come mostly from animal foods
- Based on other food research, I suspect that K2 is the main driver here
- There are so many people today who avoid animal foods (due to false propaganda), that a large part of the population is likely deficient in K2
- If K2 is what primarily drives Protein S levels, then these people are likely deficient in Protein S, which can lead to an increase in blood clots
- In addition to all of this, Covid (actually, SARS-CoV-2) has 2 proteins called Spike Protein S1 and Spike Protein S2.
- S1 appears to strip hemoglobin from the blood
- If there is less hemoglobin in the blood, then less oxygen will be carried from the lungs to the rest of the body, resulting in both hypoxemia and hypoxia
- Hypoxia -- BY ITSELF -- also causes low levels of Protein S in the body
- At least some of the "vaccines" (maybe all) cause an increased level of Spike Protein S1 in the body, which can lead to hypoxia, which can lead to low levels of Protein S, which can lead to blood clots
- Blood clots, of course, lead to heart attacks and strokes, both of which are among the leading causes of death (along with medical malpractice/mistakes/incompetence)
Conclusion (without further research):
- A lot of people likely have low Vitamin K levels, and especially low Vitamin K2 levels
- This might cause lowered Protein S
- In addition, SARS-CoV-2/Covid 19 may cause a stripping of hemoglobin, which can cause hypoxia
- In addition, the "vaccines" may cause an increase in Spike Protein S1, which may cause further deterioration in hemoglobin levels, which can cause hypoxia
- Wearing a face mask can cause less oxygen making it to the lungs, which can cause hypoxemia, which can result in hypoxia
- Hypoxia itself can cause low levels of Protein S
- Low levels of Protein S, which is a blood anticoagulant, can cause an increase in blood clots
- Increased blood clots can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and death.
- Some/many of the "died of covid" statistics in 2020/21 might actually be due to this process
- Maybe this is the reason the CDC does not want autopsies
If my research is more or less correct, then:
- SARS-CoV-2 may have been modified in a lab to increase Spike Protein S1 intrusion into the human body
- Face mask requirments may have been instituted for the purpose of lowering oxygen levels in the body
- Vaccines may have been produced with the intended purpose of further increasing the S1 levels
- Dietary guidance promoted in the fake media necessarily lowers levels of K2, and if that is the Vitamin K that Protein S takes its cue from, then millions of people probably have low levels of Protein S
- A combination of these things could all lead to hypoxia/low Protein S/and increase in blood clots
I leave it here (for now) for others to further confirm or refute. I won't have a lot of time for further research for a few more weeks.
No links are provided because I don't want my own sources to bias anyone else's research.
This is posted for research and discussion, not to prove anything (at this point).
One takeaway...if you supplement with Vitamin D be sure to add Vitamin K. I found NOW has a D 10,000IU in one capsule which I take daily and I add Life Extension Super K which has K2 and K7. Vitamin K also takes calcium and puts it in your bones instead of your blood vessels.
This is a great summary...good information. I recently had a friend diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension which I had never heard of. The main symptom is shortness of breath upon the least little exertion. I read it can be due to clotting in the capillaries. There appears to be no cure but of course I suspect spike proteins are involved. Evidently you want to protect your cells, stop the spike protein from replicating and then destroy them. That apparently is what the protocol does that actually helps people survive covid or shedding. I am stocking up on everything I need and I am trying to understand what each part of the protocol does. It takes some research but there have been many good articles and videos concerning this. Thanks to all who freely share their research and info.
Study says this about heart health in general:
8.1. Vitamin K2: Cardiovascular Disease Vascular calcification is an active process that causes CVD, the largest killer in the world [57]. It is well known that vitamin K2-dependent proteins activate a protective mechanism preventing the development of vascular calcification [58].
Furthermore, vitamin K2, in the form of MK-7,
has been proven in numerous trials with healthy and diseased patient cohorts to have a long-term protective effect on the development of calcification [59,60,61,62]. Additionally, several studies have demonstrated an overall reduction in risk of CVD development [63]. Even a regression of arterial stiffening and improvement of vascular elasticity have been observed in healthy population cohorts following supplementation. Interestingly, in a study investigating all vitamin K1 and K2 isoforms, only K2 was effective and beneficial for CVD health and not K1 [64]. Furthermore, the role of K2 in CVD is profound and detailed discussion can be found elsewhere [58,59,65]. At present, there are multiple large clinical studies being performed around the world with vitamin K2 supplementation in a variety of cardiovascular patients, the results of which will add further substance to the role of vitamin K2 in CVD [66].
Here’s your study:
“Vitamin K1 is preferentially retained in the liver to assist carboxylation of clotting factors [53]. In contrast, vitamin K2, particularly long chain derivatives, are redistributed to the circulation and are available for extra-hepatic tissues such as bone and vasculature (Figure 2) [5,53].”
Vitamin K: Double Bonds beyond Coagulation Insights into Differences between Vitamin K1 and K2 in Health and Disease
“The existence of vitamin K has been known for over 80 years, namely via its essential role in coagulation. The discovery of different isoforms of vitamin K is beginning to elucidate a significant role of vitamin K outside of coagulation. Functions of K2 are proving to be beneficial with regard to CVD and bone metabolism. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting vitamin K2 is involved in multiple cellular processes, and might have a protective role in various organs throughout the human body (Figure 3). While vitamin K2 has improved outcomes in many clinical trials, the exact mechanism of action remains to be unraveled. “
All the symptoms you just listed are caused by the constant wearing of a stupid mask. Ditch the mask and watch your blood oxygen levels soar back up.
I really don't think wearing masks is the cause of all those problems.
Wearing masks isn't anything new for people working in the medical field.
There are plenty of surgical nurses and surgeons who have worn masks pretty much all day, for DECADES, who have had zero problems due to masks.
And it's not just on the surgical floor. Or in hospitals.
I worked in a nursing home over a decade ago, and during cold and flu season the staff would wear them all day.
Masks weren't just now invented due to covid.
I don't know if you know this or not, but OR environments are O2 enriched. On purpose. For this reason.
The doctors probably don't even know, but PPE specialist ensure that those areas where masks are routinely worn have higher levels of oxygen. This has to be done to satisfy OSHA (who don't seem to care about our levels of oxygen).
I am sorry but the person does not wear a mask. The spike proteins can create blood clots in the capillaries without the use of a mask. No one should be wearing a mask superfluously...they are dangerous but you can also acquire symptoms of graphene poisoning (covid) without masks. Many may have acquired these symptoms through testing.
Well done!
Also see this post, and add Aspirin to your medical stores. https://greatawakening.win/p/12jwMQVQ7m/why-did-china-forbid-autopsies-o/
You are raising two separate issues of oxygen levels.
The primary mechanism causing hypoxia in sick Covid patients is diffuse alveolar damage from inflammation and thrombosis in the pulmonary vascular and interstitial space. Even intubated on 100% oxygen in negative pressure room, they can’t get oxygen across the damaged alveolar membrane. This is an overly simple explanation but the point is these are mechanisms of viral pathology.
Nutrition levels in food generally are from outdated measurements and do not reflect current average balance of nutrients — particularly in gmo crops. But some deficiencies are due to changes in dietary habits as organ meats and many fermented foods are consumed far less than in previous generations.
The two are related in that optimized nutrition is protective against severity of illness or death.
Some answers may be here : Why did China forbid autopsies on supposed "Covid" deceased? This is why. Well. Well, well.... 🤔💭 Theory 😲💡 posted 9 hours ago by NorthusMaximus https://greatawakening.win/p/12jwMQVQ7m/why-did-china-forbid-autopsies-o/
Good stuff OP.
Just to pile on: vitamin K (suspect K2) helps with the uptake of D3, which is super important to the immune system.