posted ago by Ed_E ago by Ed_E +16 / -1

I am expanding on the premise that the plandemic/lockdowns were supposed to last several years, ushering in the Great Reset... and if Trump "had" to give a vaccine to the normies because that was the only way to derail the cabal's plan. Remember, a few months after the plandemic hit us, Trump had negotiated with big Pharma to reduce the cost of insulin. https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/press-releases/president-trump-announces-lower-out-pocket-insulin-costs-medicares-seniors

Is it possible during those negotiations, he asked them to produce the seasonal flu vaccine as usual, EXCEPT that they would tell the world it was a very "special" vaccine, something "new" that would work on "Covid 19". They would be paid handsomely as long as this was never revealed to the public. This would more than offset the loss of profits for the insulin price reduction they would realize. Big Pharma is happy, Trump got "his" vaccine, and the cabal effort for a multi-year lockdown was thwarted. Trump goes on to take credit for the vaccine, normies can get it without risk because it's actually the seasonal flu vaccine, which also has numerous side-effects attributed to its use. The patriots can choose to not take it, and we are no worse-off than usual, because many of us don't take the seasonal flu vaccine either.

Is it possible the myriad of side effects we see from the "Co-vid19" vaccine... what we think is an mRNA vaccine... is possibly just an intensified example of what is typically experienced by flu vaccines? After all, there has never been such a widespread, focused effort to report and share vaccine side-effects as there has been now. And now as the "variants" appear, the vaccine can "evolve" back to what it really was in the first place... the seasonal flu vaccine.

This could explain how our trusted President could be promoting a "killer" mRNA-based vaccine.

I welcome your viewpoints, questions, and discussions. The Trump/Vaccine conundrum has been driving me crazy, so this is my attempt at rationalizing it. Thanks Frens