I have heard from several very intelligent people who have produced educational videos for us inexperienced individuals to help better understand the issues. And I am trying to understand if the covid virus is real. It is said that the individual patients hospitalized with covid are showing micro clotting within the lungs. And that the virus is attacking the kidneys as well. It is my believe that if we let flu patients go untreated in the same manner we do with covid patients, we would have the same death count we are seeing with covid. But. would we see the same problems within the body that pathologist are seeing in post covid? If the pathologist are seeing unique markers within covid patients, are they seen in post flu patients left un treated. And is it possible that what they are seeing caused by rimdisivier. (Sorry about the spelling error) when it is used. I have read the study that it causes kidney failure and pulmonary edema.
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Saw a video where they were explaining that it's the PROTOCAL that is killing them. The only approved treatment is Remdemisvir which CAUSES kidney failure and ventillators that destroy the lungs.
Check this out- https://greatawakening.win/p/12jwMQVQ7m/why-did-china-forbid-autopsies-o/
Singapore did autopsies and changed their whole viewpoint.
Why will you only trust a random person who says they're a pathologist? I'm not one, "but I play one on the internet." Actually I don't. But I had covid with a bunch of symptoms that were not like any other flu I ever had over 50 years. I learned a lot from medcram.com. they do continuing education for doctors, and you cab decide whether they're reputable or not based on their public record. I think that doctor, Dr Sehuelt, is trustworthy. He sticks to stuff he can observe, and he always indicates the flaws of any study he cites. Good luck on your path of investigation.
There is such a thing as the corona-sars virus. This one appears to have it’s genome modified by the infamous wuhan lab in China...the “China virus”. The tests they have been using, the pcr test, is an extremely poor test as it does not differentiate let’s say sars from flu virus which means many cases of the typical flu have been called corona because money and corruption are involved.
As far as the clotting this is due to spike proteins being attacked on the endothelial walls by antibodies in the blood stream (IgG). Think of it like the circulating antibodies ripping the virus off the lining of the blood vessel causing a micro tear or abrasions this immediately starts the clotting cascade.
You body own immune system (this is basic asf) will attack from the blood igG or in other areas by lymphocytes. Your body once it sees sars corona will be able to attach “variants” aka mutations as this virus mutates at only one base chain of its dna unlike the flu virus. Corona is attacking the lungs this is where the lymphocytes kick in. So the vaccine is basically dumping more antibodies into the blood stream through formation of igG causing more clotting issues. Your natural immunity is better than this “vaccine”
People who fall victim to government fear porn and get the jab are on the wrong PATH. That's all the PATHology I know.
Very true. I am perfectly clear on that path. I've seen it work on several people who I thought wouldn't get the jab.