Just read an article on this. You CAN opt out of the jab, you just need to be routinely tested. You cannot opt out of the testing (assuming you opt out the jab).
The tests have already been deemed but the cdc as not effective. This is such freaking theater. Also those damn swabs have a chemical on them to maintain sterility that has been proven to cause cancer but yeah poke that up my nose an get it on the lining of my sinuses that goes to my brain, ONCE A WEEK no problem there. GTFO
Just read an article on this. You CAN opt out of the jab, you just need to be routinely tested. You cannot opt out of the testing (assuming you opt out the jab).
The tests have already been deemed but the cdc as not effective. This is such freaking theater. Also those damn swabs have a chemical on them to maintain sterility that has been proven to cause cancer but yeah poke that up my nose an get it on the lining of my sinuses that goes to my brain, ONCE A WEEK no problem there. GTFO
Yeah constant use of those swabs that have been sterilized with EO is not good long term.