Think about it. The deep state is freaking out right now. Everything is going wrong for them. They've lost most of the public support they DID have. The majority of people are anti jab now (only roughly 30% based on the actual data released as pointed out by several other posts the past couple days). The border is blowing up in their faces. Afghanistan is the second 9/11 and has completely destroyed what little support they had left. Pee pads and knee pads are tanking. Pelosi and Schumer are tanking. All of the RINOs are tanking.
The audit is coming out and everyone who HAS seen it is saying it's worst than we ever thought. Trump is GAINING support. Parents are firing school board members and taking back control of their children. People are resisting these stupid mask and jab mandates. etc. etc.
In case you haven't figured it out, we're winning. Everything they do at this point is nothing more than them lashing out in a death spiral in a sad last attempt to avert their eventual demise. The pfizer jab being FDA approved, the budget/infrastrure bills and the voting bills, all the talk about banning guns, increasing taxes, yadda yadda yadda. It's all coming to a head.
This IS the precipice. People are refusing to comply and winning the game of chicken over the jab and everything else. Once the audit drops to the public, can you imagine what will happen to public opinion if it's already this bad, but then people discover everything was done by an illegitimate government?
Remember when Q said they won't be able to walk down the streets? I don't think it's because of people harassing and heckling them. I think they literally won't be able to go out in public for fear of being murdered by an angry mob.
So stop worrying about everything. Q said August was a hot month. And Good Lord hasn't that been true. We've got a week left in August, so I imagine it's going to get a little hotter before the pot finally boils over and people snap. At that point, either the military steps in, which is looking more and more likely with the anger over Afghanistan, the refusal to obey commanding officers over the jab, and the sheer contempt and refusal to obey orders from the ranking officers, or we the people do it ourselves.
If a bunch of goat herders can take over Afghanistan, I'd imagine the most heavily armed civilian populace in the world can do something similar with the backing of most of the boots on the ground members of the armed forces.
So stop freaking out about everything. It's not like anything has suddenly changed because of FDA approval. People were already walking away from their jobs and forcing their employers to rescind mandates or go under. Somehow this magical FDA approval changes that? I get that supposedly this grants them more ground to mandate it, but they were already trying to do that anyway and people didn't care. I'm fairly certain most people's minds are made up and they're not going to take the jab regardless of what happens in the legal world.
I mean the current medical crisis isn't because of the coof, it's because of doctors and nurses walking off the job due to vaccine mandates. I highly doubt the sudden FDA approval is going to magically change their minds. Same with most people in schools, retail, etc. This is basically a giant game of chicken the side pushing the jab can't possibly win. Every time they make a push, we push back by refusing and walking away. Then they're left with nothing and beg us to come back.
In other words, the FDA approval is meaningless in the long term, and nothing has really changed other than the media talking heads will probably try and use this to "dispel the conspiracy theories".
Likewise if any of these stupid bills actually pass and get signed into law then people in the US will start revolting, ala France.
FDA approval does mean something - now they will legally have to list their active ingredients and known side-effects on the package inserts. There is also now proof that the FDA broke/modified their own rules for full approval to push this through - a process that usually takes around 10 years so long term effects can be studied. I think (hope) this all leads to the toppling of the FDA as we currently know it.
Well then that just gives our side even more ammo doesn't it? If that's true they literally just shot themselves in the foot in an attempt to rush things. We may not be able to sue Pfizer, but we CAN sue the FDA over breaking their own protocol and approving something without knowing the long term effects. Like you said, it also means now they'll have to actually show what's in the jabs, which will be ground for more lawsuits if the refuse or they're full of something deadly.
It's my understanding that the manufacturers couldn't be sued for liability ONLY so long as it was EAU, and that since it's now approved for anyone 16 or over, there's nothing to stop the lawsuits.
Even freaking better, now everyone can sue them out of existence for all of this shady crap. If that's actually true, then this may be a white hate decision so as to allow all of us to to sue over it.
I saw what you did there.
Just keep in mind that the psycopaths who orchestrated everything won't hesitate to go full-scale scorched-earth before admitting or accepting defeat. They're all in and out in the open now. It's all or nothing for them, and they possess the means to make things really ugly for everyone. We can't forget this or let our guard down.
While I agree with you, just remember the entire point of this plan is that they are already neutered.
That took place before the plan was in public. We're in the information battle now so that regular people don't lose their shit as this stuff comes out.
When people fear that Q is a psyop to pacify Patriots, they're partially right, but not in the way they think. They needed to reassure so that we didn't start a civil war which is actually what the deep state wanted.
The FDA approval is big. It just took a major weapon away for the antivaxed. Many people I know used the excuse that they were going to wait until it was FDA approved. They just played chicken with us, and I fear many are going to cave. One thing I question though is what does it do to the other vaccines? Since they are not FDA approved, I would think that many will not take those causing a ripple effect of doses expiring. Unless the other jabs get FDA approval then they are toast. Fuck I hate this game.
I'm not caving.they will have to kill me first.
Q did tell us that this is no game. This is real.
Good post. We ARE winning.
Excellent post. Thank you!
COCOMs needs a kick in the ass. This mess is quickly becoming YOUR fault. You are knowingly allowing it.