posted ago by CrQCQd1LE_TendiePede ago by CrQCQd1LE_TendiePede +16 / -0

Greetings, sane people of Planet Earth.

I'm putting this out there to see what link bombs exist that I'm unaware of...



A central premise of this whole c19 thing being a globalist scam is that the virus has never been isolated. Thus, the case numbers and by proxy ALL of it is just 🐴💩 based on this BS PCR Test. This seems to be the case at least from my from my current understanding anyway... but I'm more than happy to be wrong. I just want to know the Goddam Truth and nothing less.

I want to see what evidence you other Anons have to either support or deboonk this premise? Crowd sourced intelligence gathering kinda shiznit.

I'm not after opinions. Just cold hard data from traceable sources.

Precocious, combustionable, chargrilled koala burgers for all who chip in with worthy efforts...


Twinkies for the rest of the snapperheads. (MetaFozzicly speaking of course... Dice Clay Movie references for the old skoolers out there...).

 🐇 < < < <
